
Old reddit has removed the login fields
It now redirects you to the new site login page. There's no way to sign up with out an email anymore(?) It was only possible on the old site.

Here’s an example of chatgpt\bots being used to push products
this user seems to be a mix of a chatgpt bot and a real person. Notice how soo many of their posts are these long overly formal\affectionate replies with a link to specific products. The products are amazon links (probably referal links) and all the amazon links are hidden behind a redirect by using with a specific link page per product so they don't get hidden by the auto mod. I'm guessing is owned by the bot farm\user? A lot of the links are also to via which are probably also owned by the bot farm\user to generate ad revenue and affiliate\referral money.

Asked /r/news mods something, probably shouldn’t have bothered
So, I deleted everything I'd posted to Reddit almost a year ago now and have been over here in federated space since. But I do occasionally read threads over there when they are posted over here, just to see what a larger number of commenters are saying on specific topics (or just to remind myself on how disturbing a lot of the Reddit community has gotten over time). Anyways, to the point. I saw this thread on /r/news had been removed for violating the politics rule: [\_stops\_un\_from\_recognizing\_a\_palestinian\_state/]( I decided to send the following message to the /r/news mod team with the Message the Mods button: > > > "Why was this thread labeled as politics and removed? Thread: [\_stops\_un\_from\_recognizing\_a\_palestinian\_state/]( > > > > > Meanwhile, there are multiple threads about Trump, threads about Palestinian protests, and a thread about Florida allowing chaplains in schools. > > > > > What exactly is the definition of politics that the mod team is using to claim the former is disallowed due to politics, but not many of the other front page political topic threads? > > > > > For that matter, why does a US action in the UN count as overly political in the first place?" > > Not sure what I expected, but then a few minutes ago: > > > "You have been temporarily muted from r/news. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/news for 28 days." > > So yeah. Was my message out of line? Aggressive in some manner? I wasn't trying to troll or anything like that.

Farewell Reddit!
I just wiped and deleted all my Reddit accounts. Lemmy is my new online home.

Did reddit block option to delete accounts?
Hi. Yesterday and today i tried to delete my reddit account but everytime i trie i get a message "Something went wrong, try again later". Is this only on my side or these morons blocked option to delete account? xD

The subs are goin dark
"The subs are going dark all over Reddit, we shall not see them back again in our life-time", Sir Edward Grey

Looks like reddit went down.
Are the reddit admins incompetent or are they also joining the protest? Place your bets here! EDIT: Looks like they're back.

lemmy Vs kbin?
I'm a bit confused with my options here. I am looking at Reddit alternatives and see a lot of people flocking to lemmy but it seemed like kbin was the more centrist option? Apparently lemmy was set up by a tankie and has some CCP propaganda and other problematic background? I have accounts with both and definitely seems like kbin is struggling compared to lemmy but that could just be because lemmy is better established? What are people's thoughts?

Louis Rossman was wrong about the existence of a subreddit for people that enjoyed having their 3rd toe tickled
“I’m confident that if you wanted to find a community of people that enjoyed having their 3rd toe tickled, you could probably find a community of people that enjoy having their 3rd toe tickled. I’m not kidding. Reddit is one of those places.” - Louis Rossman Wrong. That can’t be found on Reddit. Only Lemmy has it. Lemmy rules. Greed loses. (In response to what Louis Rossman said, I created [!](, a Lemmy community of people that enjoyed having their 3rd toe tickled)

Reddark fork that shows subs that are restricted too

This is all a conspiracy, don’t let them fool you
They are trying to fool us with lies. [r/birdswitharms]( gone private, but[ r/BirdsArentReal]( is still working! I know their real, i've see them

this is so bittersweet…
It's amazing to see how many communities are joining in on the blackout. It's also sad as fuck all. I've been agitating, in what limited capacity I can, to make to this happen. It still hurts.... Cheer me up Lemmy! This is likely my new home! EDIT: y'all are awesome, thank you!

Reddit appears to be down!
Somehow despite less traffic and over 7000 subs being private, it still died?

How to delete all reddit comments before deleting your account (Chrome)
If you'd like to sanitize your account before deleting it I use this method. I use chrome on W10 and I'm not sure if it works with other browsers or OS. - ctrl+shift+J - then copy and paste: var $domNodeToIterateOver = $('.del-button .option .yes'), currentTime = 0, timeInterval = 1500; $domNodeToIterateOver.each(function() { var _this = $(this); currentTime = currentTime + timeInterval; setTimeout(function() {; }, currentTime); }); To make this work you'll need to be using RES on desktop. Go to your profile and load up all your comments and submissions, I just hold down spacebar until everything is loaded. Once that's done I do the above command and the comments/submissions get deleted one by one. EDIT: Looks like there's easier/faster ways to do this so go with what works for you.

HOW TO: Use Revanced Manager to patch Reddit Sync and use it beyond July 1st (DONT LEAVE LEMMY DUMBASS, THIS IS A BANDAID SOLUTION)
**PSA:** I am not responsible for you downloading these files or any files. I am not responsible for you screwing up your phone, your account, your home, your family, or anything. You are big boys and girls, and if you aren't knowledgeable of the risks associated with this I cannot help you. You accept all the risks and no one is making you do this. I am not affiliated with these application in any way. I did not write any code. Here is the source for the instructions, but I thought I would write it out step by step for general consumption. This is obviously Android only. If you are on an iPhone, you can try the ["Sink it for Reddit" safari extension]( to at least remove the annoying "please use our app" popups in the mobile browser. Source: ---------------------------------------------------- **Caveats/FAQ:** **Does this mean I should leave Lemmy and go back to simping for u/spez?** -No dummy, reddit fucked us all over and will likely fuck this up too. This should not be viewed as a long term solution, and you should convince others to move to lemmy. They can probably mess this up at any time, and you'll be playing cat and mouse with them as they patch things, or further limit your api access through your custom id. **Why am I advocating for this when I'm on Lemmy?** -I debated whether or not to share this, because doing so is antithetical to promoting Lemmy, but I decided to anyway beacause a lot of us love Reddit Sync and dont want it to die. -We all likely have niche communities on Reddit that we love and there is no Lemmy equivalent at the moment. Use this opportunity to make those communities here, and then use your access to reddit via redditsync to further convince those in that community to set up roots here. -Also, we all still have friends that will likely share reddit links to us privately. Do you want to click those links and see the cancer of new reddit, or the mobile site, or even the official app? Gross. **What about nsfw subs?** -I don't believe they will work after July 1st since those are limited at the API level for all 3rd party apps, even your custom one. Sorry horndogs ----------------------------------------------------------- **Now for the steps:** 1. Uninstall reddit sync from your phone. 2. Go here and download a clean redditsync apk file (click the blue "DOWNLOAD APK" Button) - This is the APK I used: 3. Go here and download Revanced Manager APK file and install it. 5. Go to and go to the bottom where it says "Create Application" (you have to login here to do this, sorry lurkers) 6. Name it whatever you want, select "installed app" and under redirect uri, type http://redditsync/auth then click "create app" 7. After you create the app, you should see it under the title "Developed Applications". Under the name you gave it you should see a random sting of numbers, letters, and symbols. This is your client ID. You will use this in the next step. 8. Using a file manager on your phone, navigate to /sdcard/ and create a txt file titled "reddit_client_id_revanced.txt" 9. Open the text file you just created and paste in your Client ID from step 7. Make sure it is on the top line of the text file with no spaces or indents before or after the ID. 10. Open Revanced Manager on your phone. Select Patcher on the bottom, click "select application", click the "storage" button on the bottom right. Navigate to the location where you installed the clean redditsync apk in step 2. 11. When you select the apk file in step 10, you should see that is has selected 2 patches (change Oauth client ID and Disable ads). Click "Patch" in the bottom right. 12. Allow the patching to occur and read everything on the screen to check for errors. If the Oauth failed to patch, revisit step 8. 13. Click install. Google play will likely warn you, expand the option and click "install anyway", if it asks to scan the app, decline scanning. 14. Launch the application, run through the setup and re-log into your account if you want. 15. Enjoy Reddit Sync beyond July 1st!

Confused Redditor observed in the wild!
Currently on a train in the US. Noticed the guy sitting in front of me on the official Reddit app, looking at a bunch of subreddits and getting blocked by the private subs and their protest messages. Flipped around the blacked out content for a while and then gave up. It works!!!

So many subs!
Watching the Reddark stream, I'm surprised how many huge subs there are that I've never heard of after 12+ years on Reddit. Many of them I would've subscribed to. Too bad we'll never get to experience all those communities ☹️ (until they migrate here of course)

paint by [David Revoy on Mastodon](

If you use Reddit during the blackout, upvote everything from r/Ukraine to get them max visibility
let's do some good. Upvote everything from r/Ukraine so hopefully the front page is covered with Ukraine posts!

Just another nail in the coffin. Time to delete this app

The resemblance is uncanny

A major subreddit, r/pics, seems to have gone back on the blackout
Crossgeposted von: > It is read-only, no new submissions allowed, but it is no longer private.

Has reddit pruned anybodys comments?
Just for the heck of it, I checked my acc there and I cannot see any comments newer then 2 months. Have they been siletnly deleting any offending comments?

Credit on Mastodon

You’d probably get more redditors to migrate if there was an old reddit type style
Apparently Lemmy copied the new reddit layout which shoves everything into the middle of the screen and wastes a massive amount of space. Even on the monitor I oriented vertically this is the case: the post I'm typing right now is using like 30% of the available screen real-estate and wasting the other 2/3rds. My philosophy has always been that if reddit removed support for the old style, that's when I'd stop using reddit. Switching to Lemmy is like switching to new reddit though. I made an account, but I can't really see using this as a replacement. I'd guess (but I might be wrong) that the type of people clinging to the old reddit style are also the most likely to do something like switch to Lemmy out of principle. (I looked around and it doesn't seem like there are any browser addons or userscripts to restyle it either.)

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