After the last experience, very proudly homophobic.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Feb 17, 2024


I suspected so and tbh idk why I even made the comment. I guess I’m more unstable than usual at the moment

A distro that ships KDE in not a vanilla form and with some pre-installed custom configuration/fixes by default I think. Stuff like Kubuntu, Arco XL, Manjaro KDE etc

Well this is true but again if you use MS apps, you probably should just use Windows

I’ve never seen any issues with it. People here used MS Office 2007 until like 2019. It should be fine as long as it supports docx and the document doesn’t have complicated scripts (which nobody uses here so can’t tell about them)

I don’t remember hearing anything about the Abraunegg’s version so I think GNOME made their own implementation or used another base

I didn’t understand the question. Afaik there is no official OneDrive app for Linux

Another person already answered about the office apps so I won’t mention it. What I know is that the most recent version of GNOME has OneDrive support so Ubuntu 24.04 should have it. Copilot is impossible to get. Also if you use the Microsoft suite, you probably should be running Windows. There’s not that much point in switching to Linux in this case

I also saw someone on YouTube launching Word via wine so I guess it’s also an option

Fragmentation of front-ends. If every dev works on a their own project, the community gets 0 quality ptoducts. If there are less projects but more devs working on them, the community gets multiple quality products. Now choose what is better

TempleOS doesn’t have a repo I think so its dev writes and reads 100% of the code. I also heard of a tty-only Linux distro project that didn’t have a repo but I’m not sure

I must admit I do not understand what’s going on in the first sentence but I do agree that having a GUI is good

I didn’t mean that Android is bad. What I meant originally is that Android is getting less efficient and slower for no reason over time.

I want it to be a GNOME focused app so it should at least comply with all GNOME Circle rules

Yes but let’s judge based on the practical tests and not the theoretical stuff

A simple GTK4 + libadwaita sound recorder. I know it’s probably a 1 day task but we seem to lack a good modern recorder for my favourite DE.

P. S. I smell another downvoted to oblivion moment for liking GNOME

Android can run on 2Gb but the experience won’t be great. Linux with something like JWM or Xfce runs way better. Android 12 and higher are especially heavy. You can notice it by comparing on relatively low end devices (with like a Unisoc T606 or something). Android 14 runs better but it has ads-related stuff in it. And Android kernel itself has a lot of unnecessary stuff. They say it’s better for performance but bruh how can a more bloated thing be better? Real tests speak for themselves. Don’t trust theory and Google’s changelogs.

The last past is weird but ok. Though if you think that being toxic is better than expecting too much from FOSS developers, I will do my best to argue as much and as hard as possible.

Maybe but his channel is a good way to stay in tune with the latest news and drama (especially for people like me who don’t know how to use RSS)

  1. Not only that but also now I’m close to doing something that I can’t tell because it’s against Lemmy’s terms of service. I think you get what it is. I use spending all my money and even more as help to keep myself in a biologically functional state

  2. What I meant about translation software is the systems that open-source projects use to host croudsourced translation (I can’t remember the names sorry). I tried opening it a few times and I can tell you that the US Space Shuttle’s cockpit is easier to understand and navigate than the software. It at least has labels beneath the controls

  3. I’m writing flawlessly only in very specific cases that were trained for an extensive period of time are not helpful for serious scientific texts unfortunately. Often I don’t write what I can’t write well and just lie instead of trying to explain my real position (because that way I can use words and phrases I know) so that’s why my language looks flawless. Also, since I don’t speak my mother tongue almost at all for more than a year now (I don’t have a life offline), its knowledge has become greatly damaged as well

  4. I don’t really want to get banned from e-mail providers and idk any temporary e-mail services that work in my country (idk how to use a good VPN)

  5. Basically for me doing most of the social things feels like walking naked in a mall. It’s impossible to do when sober. Being on forums doesn’t count for some reason

In conclusion, I would highly recommend you to pay more attention at paragraph 1 and refrain from trying to change anything since it may result in digital disciplinary trouble for both you and me.

Ok now it’s time to explain what I meant I guess.

  1. I earn around $100 a month so donating is not even considered

  2. I don’t understand the translation software. I think running a space shuttle is easier

  3. I don’t know English and any language well enough to write it and even if I did, I’m not that advanced to speak about initramfs issues or pretty much anything backend-related

  4. That will just add spam in my inbox and following just to make the forum have a higher number of subscribers is kinda unethical and can even violate its terms and conditions

  5. Now that is something I probably can do… if I take 10x the normal doze of sedatives because I’m autistic

In conclusion, when I say I can’t contribute, I mean it and I don’t mean that idk how to contribute

Well I can’t contribute in any way except telling more people about the program

I don’t use it. OnePlus 6s are as rare as Apple IIs here lol. I would love to try though. From what I know it has some issues that depend on the DE you choose. There aren’t many apps and unfortunately landscape mode didn’t seem to be implemented the last time I checked so using unoptimized apps is not easy. But also reviewers say that it’s smooth and even battery life is decent (at least on GNOME Mobile) so it’s going quite well for the OS I think. You probably can use it as daily driver if you only need a terminal, a browser and basic productivity apps (clock, calendar and notes) but it’s constantly updating so new bugs may appear all the time

I meant a desktop Linux distro, not the kernel itself. And Android has a ton of bloatware on top of it so it’s not really the same thing. Android has like a double decker kernel

I think a part of your positive experience is also thanks to Linux. Android emulation works better on it because the difference between Linux and Android is not that big and definitely not as big as between Windows and Android. Though Waydroid rocks anyways

I don’t blame Lemmy even though the official instance (and therefore devs) is kinda sus. They even delete discriminatory comments that I report quite quickly. The thing is that I see toxic comments all the time and what surprises me is that often they’re replies to non-provoking and absolutely reasonable posts/comments (this case is not anywhere near the worst I’ve seen). That means the people behind them are just very aggressive which still hurts me a lot even though I lost hope for humanity quite some time ago. I guess I see a bit more % of them in the wild than you do for some reason

Absolute beginners shouldn’t worry about electron too much imo.

Unfortunately I couldn’t properly try Fedora media writer because the iso download speed with it was at like 300 kb/s so I can’t say anything about it.

Fedora’s installer can be confusing for new users and you need to know some technical terms (3rd party repos, Flathub etc) to set it up

Just download Balena Etcher (it’s the easiest USB flashing tool), flash a Linux Mint .iso file to a flash drive using it and boot from it like you do with Windows installers. Unlike Windows, Linux can work in “demo mode” straight from the USB without installing to the hard drive. It may be slow in this mode but it should give you an idea of how Linux looks and feels. If you like it, double click the “Install Linux Mint” button in the top left corner and proceed with installation. Other distros usually have the installation icon on the same place or somewhere in the “Start menu” so you shouldn’t have hard times finding it in case you decide to try another distro

Is xz 5.6.1-3+ still dangerous?
When the xz backdoor was discovered, I quickly uninstalled my Arch based setup with an infected version of the software and switched to a distro that shipped an older version (5.5 or 5.4 or something). I found an article which said that in 5.6.1-3 the backdoor was "fixed" by just not letting the malware part communicating with the vulnerable ssh related stuff and the actual malware is still there? (I didn't understand 80% of the technical terms and abbreviations in it ok?) Like it still sounds kinda dangerous to me, especially since many experts say that we don't know the other ways this malware can use (except for the ssh supply chain) yet. Is it true? Should I stick with the new distro for now or can I absolutely safely switch back and finally say that I use Arch btw again? P. S. I do know that nothing is completely safe. Here I'm asking just about xz and libxzlk or whatever the name of that library is EDIT: 69 upvotes. Nice

Even though different Linux distros are often fairly close in terms of real-life performance and all of them have a clear advantage over Windows in many use cases, we can't reject the fact that Arch Linux has undoubtedly won the competition. And now I'm so glad to have another reason to proudly say "I use Arch btw" ::: It was a joke of course :::