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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


Agreed! Neither in the West Bank where Fatah rules, not in Gaza where Hamas rules, have they had elections in more than a decade.

The Palestinians should demand an election.

Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m absolutely not saying that. Let me be clear: Palestinians should have a state and live peacefully as neighbors of Israel.

However, as of now, the Palestinian leadership is fracture and (in the case of Hamas) undeniably barbaric. The Palestinians need to choose better leaders and take themselves to freedom and peace they deserve.

That’s something that needs to be worked out, but Israeli leaders have been ready for that for years. For sure they Israelis would accept that.

You connected two unrelated ideas.

Israel wants security for the people of Israel. Ideally, this is peace with their neighbors. Hamas has chosen war. Israel has no choice but the take action.

Israel is not trying to eliminate people of a belief system. Their objective is to eliminate Hamas, whose charter is to destroy Israel, and in Saturday’s attack demonstrated they’ll do it without remorse in the most cruel ways.

That’s simply not correct and easily verifiable. Don’t spread misinformation.

Genocide has a definition and it clearly doesn’t apply here. Please stop spreading misinformation.

That’s not the end goal. The end goal is security for the Israeli people. If Palestinians choose peace, they’d have it. They have not chosen that path yet.

The Palestinians and the UN were given clear instructions as to where they should go that they would be safe.

Awesome for you! Enjoy every bit of your renewed life subscription!

The best thing would be that I get a job. Double edged sword though since it would take away the best thing that I already have - more meaningful time with my family.

Early 50s, USA - you bet! And I could also roll up a window, light a cigarette from the lighter, set an AM station by pulling the tuner knob and pushing the desired station button, and burn my ass on a hot vinyl bench seat! Good times!