d4nm3d from Reddit

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I unretired an old racknerd vps and got it running on there… works great!

Just need to now figure out how to move it to something that can actually cope with it lol…

Any ideas how to backup an instance and move it?

I guess it would be a matter of getting a new VPS, pointing my domain to it, reinstalling and then moving over the .live folder?

I tried to run your script on a proxmox Debian 12 lxc but i hit a few issues… i already run a reverse proxy etc…

So… what VPS would you recommend to run this on ? It will literally only be for myself to maintain my subscriptions and have a singular account…

Are you able to point me to where i can find the cache options? I’m also new to Caddy and want to make sure i’m not making any silly mistakes.

How do i log in to a new Lemmy instance
I've set one up using the docker instructions but i can't log in to it.. When i try to signup or login the green button just swirls constantly...

New to Caddy - Trying to get a wildcard certificate
I've been trying to get a wildcard certificate for my domain for use in Caddy.. i've got caddy installed and working fine but it seems i need to build caddy manually to include the cloudflaredns module? My issue is that i installed caddy using apt.. so i'm not really sure what i'm meant to do now.. Does anyone have any suggestions?