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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I do agree that media amplification is not only part of the problem, but a significant portion of it. but the media influence has started to regretfully show its effects

Yes I admit I don’t have evidence, because unlike the modern tards of today’s society, when a friend of mine is getting shit for some stupid reason, im not going to just sit and record it.

funny how this only ever works one way regardless of who you talk to.

I think people are really underestimating how bad some people are starting to feel about it. It’s constantly being talked about it the news in fairly negative circumstances. Constantly being shoved in peoples faces, “Pride Parades” where people are walking around almost, (and in many cases fully) nude in the middle of the day. Media constantly being changed (and often for the worse) to accommodate the inclusiveness etc.

a lot of people are fine with this, but even I as a man who likes men, think it’s absolutely disgusting to be walking down a public street with your dick and balls, or a woman’s crotch fully exposed. but being against this makes me a “heterosexual bigot” somehow.

People are doing so much to generate as much animosity as possible against, and I’m really starting to hate this term myself, LGBT folk. Folk who just want to mind their own business, aren’t allowed to anymore. and all of negative bullcrap, people ruining old media, walking down the streets naked, screaming at people for trying to mind their own buisness etc. all winds up getting tied to LGBT stuff.

This is what I mean when I have to tell people that I’m not one of “those gays” because I don’t think it’s right to do any of this garbage. And this garbage does make people hate the “LGBT” community.

yup, it’s one of those “death by a thousands cuts” thing, except instead of death its a large amount of annoyance and in many cases, hate

I reccomend just using rusticl if it’s compatible, it’s both performant and reliable

I disagree that it it’s bigoted to for instance, not like games which have rewritten characters to fit a certain demographic, whether it be sexuality or race.

I have had the unfortunate privilege of witnessing it happen to a friend.

Not really. some people like things and some people don’t, getting in trouble for so much as not liking something and trying to distance yourself from it is absolutely insane. I don’t like watching straight couple make out in public. im not a bigot for looking away, but when it’s someone straight who looks away from a gay couple doing it all the sudden they are the some of the worst people.

utterly absurd.

it’s not the “far right” that’s the issue, it’s the fact that the far left is generating high amounts of animosity from anyone relatively centrist.

no, they didn’t. this is behavior I’ve observed in person for multiple people.

if the democrats would stop drumming up as much hatred as possible towards us it wouldn’t have become such a large issue in the first place, People feel like it is getting worse, because it is. People who never even cared about whether someone was gay or not now has a strong negative association towards us because democrats have the incessant need to shove it everywhere they go.

It’s no surprise that people are starting to hate gay folk when they get shit for so much as looking away when they see gay people kiss in public. The amount of time’s I’ve had to say “I’m not one of those gay people” is absurd.

Note that in oars git repo itself a lot of tags were removed because of idiots calling it “problematic” https://github.com/hughsie/oars/commit/bbb10186cbecb49252610e5604ed025df8f4c8b7

the actual gitrepo explained why it’s neccessary, not wanted

* `sex-homosexuality`: As of 2020,
   [various countries](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/)
   have laws which criminalise lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
   people. In order for software and content to be distributed in those
   countries without breaking the law, and possible reprisal, it is necessary to
   be able to tag software and content which contains LGBT references, so that
   it can be hidden in those countries.
   However, in other countries (for example, the EU), discrimination laws
   explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender or sexuality. So
   while LGBT tagging may be available in OARS data, consumers of that data must
   only apply it in countries where the law requires that.

exactly, it’s not bigoted to want to filter it out (or heterosexual content). I swear these kinds of people are the type who want to make it legal to force someone to watch them have sex in front of you.

I pretty much always just avoid m/m media (except for the… obvious genres) regardless of where it’s pretty much all trash, there are some good ones, but there is so much garbage it completely drowns out everything else

Network Manager has been the absolute bane of my existence, however due to it being the defacto standard for most distros, one pretty much needs to support it. at the very least nmcli is… usable.

It does have potential. I think anyone denying that is simply wrong. the issue with wayland is purely how slowly it moves and the fragmentation. Now the fragmentation is actually in large part due to how slowly it moves. There are numerous WIP protocols that will greatly decrease fragmentation when all are merged.

I can’t wait because it seems like it will happen in the short future of one or two decades xD

took me about an hour to get started with artix originally, and maybe a couple more to really familiarize myself with the init. As for practicallity, it’s been a large improvement for me.

I think wayland has potential but in it’s current state it’s just half baked. Once more protocols get merged, maybe in a decades time Wayland should be quite flexible and robust.

Systemd is a bit of a hassle to be rid off, but thankfully it’s not actually that hard, the hardest part I found was converting systemd services to whatever init system I use.

Which browsers are better on low end systems and is there a trade-off for optimising for lower end systems?

Chromium has preformed better on every single one of my systems, from core2duo and pentium linux machines, Intel Atom machines, Old arm devices. Chromium performs better in the forms of

They actually don’t

They do, in their 2022 report, mozilla foundation and corporations had a large amount of both total assets and liquid cash. I’ll let the financial statement do the talking here

They have the resources, they just actively refuse to use them for firefox.


They make lots of money, Mozilla publishes their tax returns. Between mozilla nonprofit and mozilla corp they are very healthy in funds. In 2021 mozilla foundation, and the corporates it owns, had 1.1 billion USD in assets

There are lots of ways I could see it happening. Firefox is still heavy on resources on low end systems. GPU is heavy, it has poor hwdec support on things like v4l2 last time I tried it (though they do at least support it now). They don’t push the envelope in any way. Firefox STILL doesn’t have JXL support despite safari supporting it (various forks of firefox support it thanks to patches firefox refuses to look at). HEVC support when platform support is available would be nice too. And these are just the issues off the top of my head.

What to prioritize? all of it. They have enough resources to do so.

I stopped donating a long time ago, mozilla has proved time and time again to squander it. Firefox is on the brink of death despite having a large amount of funding available, and they keep focusing on other trash endeavors.

I was going to read this, but when it starts with this… yeah I’ll pass.

How does Linux start a process …and how to ptrace the entry point and m3ss w1th da stack.

run mediainfo on the video and send it. Im not sure if flatpak has a codecs package but you may need that.

But imho it shows he lacks spine to take a real stand. I get why, he needs to retain his audience which is a mix of people from different political and social backgrounds. I just don’t respect it.

I really don’t think he should take a stand, This is why I actually like him a lot more then pretty much any other linux youtuber. With him I don’t need to worry about retarded distro takes, stupid drama takes. Just information.

Until he’s willing to have Danielle Fore (Trans Developer on the Elementary OS Distro) on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, I’m going to say he’s giving a lot more attention and positive exposure to toxic people than not. And he’s not exactly actually on Both Sides, like he wants us all to believe.

Im not sure who that is, Was there some kind of drama involved here? It never made it across my feed personally and being honest, due to my recent findings of new time, I’m partially suffering terminally online syndrome. Not to sound demeaning, but I genuinely have no idea who Danielle Fore is outside of the small tidbit you just brought up. Can you tell me more about them?

It’s extremely important to watch all points referenced, Devault very intentionally picked things that vaxry did to make it sound a lot worse then he is. That’s not to say vaxry is a saint, he sure as shit ain’t. But he is no where near as bad as drew wants people to believe. Drew has outright lied multiple times in his posts about Vaxry, and what isn’t lied abput most of the context is manipulated to make it seem way worse then it is

Trying to remain unbias, the super TLDR;

  • FDO decided that they didn’t like vaxry’s community and told him to fix or action will be taken against him (Banning from FDO) for violating their (FDO’s)
  • Vaxry said, This is my community, It’s not an FDO project, and is not under control of FDO, Doesn’t fall under purview of FDO’s COC, I will not be bullied. And posted the interaction.
  • FDO’s COC committy didn’t like that and banned vaxry from FDO.

Time for my personal bias Im not sure how I can hide this other then spoiler, but ignore it if you don’t want my very bias opinion;


FDO for sure over stepped their bounds. FDO did wrongfully invoke their COC against hyprland’s community, Their COC is extremely clear on it’s “scope” https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeOfConduct/ under which hyprland absolutely doesn’t fall under. That being said, OFC FDO retains the right to ban anyone from their services as they please (I’ll explain why this is extremely bad below). But they invoked the COC which is extremely important here.

Vaxry absolutely acted unprofessionally in publicizing this, on the other hand, I’m really glad he did because it’s insane that FDO is attacking the hyprland community in the first place, which is an extremely self isolating community. It’s very much “what happens in the discord is a discord thing”. Outside of the discord, hyprland community is perfectly fine. I’ve not seen a single “Hyprland fan” go around shitting on anything else (granted this is hard to judge since you need to be given context of someone shitting on something, to be a hyprland fan), on the contary, I have seen many people publically shittying on vaxry on multiple forums.

FDO was in their right to ban Vaxry for publicizing the emails, but I don’t think it was a good idea at all. They essentially punished Vaxry for airing their dirty laundry. Proving him right in the end. It’s important to note, that given context, Drew’s articles on Vaxry are insanely biased against him, with the intent to drum up hate towards vaxry (going so far as to imply Vaxry would call people the N-Word when giving support to people by using extremely misleading and cherry picked context)

The original emails are best explained by vaxry himself so check out his blog.

In the end, Vaxry acted unprofessionally and got banned for it, but FDO acted equally unprofessionally, and their actions greatly overstepped the rights they had (as far as enforcing COC goes, their original email)

Now WHY is FDO banning vaxry so important? Pretty much everything that matters in terms of linux gui development is on FDO’s services. Wayland protocol discussion, Mesa, Wlroots etc. by banning vaxry from these services, he is pretty much no longer able to directly interact with the wayland community. (At least not without ban evasion or someone else acting as a proxy)

EDIT: I forgot my conclusions.

I strongly feel like FDO is using their position as the people who control linux to push their politics unto others. Hence Vaxry’s original blog post How Freedesktop/RedHat harass other projects into submission

Great video from brodie, Regardless of where you stand on the issue, This video is an unbiased and decent take.

That’s because he is increadibly bias and is presenting “facts” in the worst possible light by manipulating context. The references they have are bias at best https://blog.vaxry.net/articles/2023-hyprlandsCommunity

for instance the pronouns thing. https://blog.vaxry.net/resource/articleDrew/pic1.png

Key takeaways:

The victim misgenders staff on purpose. The victim doesn’t seem to even treat their pronouns seriously, stating it’s only to make people angry. Labelling this as a “harassment campaign” is a joke.

For another instance of how people are using willful ignorance to attack vaxry, look no further then the recent email

https://blog.vaxry.net/resource/articleFDO/LyudeMails.pdf from https://blog.vaxry.net/articles/2024-fdo-and-redhat

  • Hazing someone in your discord because they have pronouns in their bio
  • Speaking pretty bluntly against queer people and minorities at large
  • “at 15 he doesnt even know what he will be studying at uni and he already wanna go get AIDS?”
  • "I think this server’s motto should be 'love guns, hate damn minorities™

Vaxry got warned for these.

  • The first one as went over, an already bias situation, nothing to do with bigotry
  • The second one is somehow bad? Im not sure i follow, they give no explanations are context for this. Simply “speaking bluntly” should not be taken as bigotry.
  • I’m personally not sure what anything the 3rd point has to do with bigotry.
  • the forth one is best explained from vaxry’s response

This relates to the 4th quote you gave. For what it is worth, that is a direct quote from a comedy

Back to drews garbage, he quotes the podcast clearly hoping people don’t watch it, youtube link here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nskemNa_Kn4 , full link is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ic1zzb_xl4

The whole “not as bad as calling someone the n-word thing” yes vaxry did say that, but he also said, before and after, that yes it was unprofessional behavior, and that it’s not allowed anymore. Something drew very conveniently left out

He compared himself to Terry Davis, the late operating system developer whose struggles with mental illness were broadcast for the world to see, citing a video in which he answers a phone call and refers to the person on the phone by the N-word “ten times” – Vaxry compares this to his approach to answering “stupid questions”.

This is some of the most malicious ways of relaying what Vaxry talked about. Just listen to it yourself https://youtu.be/nskemNa_Kn4?t=730

Perhaps not worth much, but my interpetation of it had nothing to do with racism as devault so heavily implies here, It as he said is about the attitude.

I highly reccomend watching the content and replies, because drew’s entire thing is based on taking various things out of context

I mean that’s fine, but when people complain about text being too blurry and not sharp enough, their response was something along the lines of sharpness not being the sole metric for performance…

who the fuck does that? and they do this shit all the time

This is probably the best take in fedora not adopting KDE i’ve heard to date lmao

oh I can explain mine, Bad performance, lacking features, devs who don’t care about problems that effect the user.