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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


A fax machine? LOL wut?! What year is this? Fuck me that’s aggressively backwards.

I mean, I guess it’ll come to me.

Well first you need to have some respect for women and recognise they’re not commodities. You’ll never get a girl to come to you if you speak about them like that.

Oh yeah, I got you. I remember the trailer quite vividly - I used to listen to Duel Of Fates on Winamp (remember that?) with the visualer effect!

But I don’t think it was a mistake at all. It got you excited for the movie because you knew there was a kick ass lightsaber fight in the movie - which there was.

Anyways each to their own. We can at least agree the movie did not live up to the hype of the trailer.

Without wanting to start another SW flame war, I actually think the prequels (as bad as they were) are better than the new age Disney sequels for one massive reason. They were original movies, with original stories, and original characters (ok interpretations of characters 😜). They were at least creative. The new movies, to me, are rehashed committee designed waffle. As wonderful as the cinematography is in them, I am deeply disappointed as to why they didn’t simple film Timothy Zahn’s Heir To Thr Empire and Kevin J Anderson’s Jedi Academy. They could have done that as a trilogy slightly condensed.

Was that ever a thing? Not revealing lightsabers? I certainly don’t remember that and I lived through it.

Israel and Hamas unite over a shared love of falafels. You heard it here first, folks!

A Labour government is, of course, preferable to the Tories. However they too are a Unionist party and not likely to agree to another referendum from Holyrood.

They’d be better to chip away at the two main cases for Scottish independence: 1) Closer and closer ties to the EU if not rejoining in some form (EEA membership for example) 2) hatred of the English by being more collaborative with Scotland in the running of the UK.

These two things might weaken the case for another referendum.

Pan the movie all you want, but the trailers for The Phantom Menace were outstanding.

Definitely the one in Wye, UK! Really great grounds and great in summer for a picnic.

Is there anyway to downvote your own posts by default?

Not by default, but just ask in your post body to be down voted because you have a kink for that. No shame, be yourself.

I think you’ll find everyone willing to help.

Exactly, so does it make sense to expose your listing to another country’s public if you think you can raise more 💰?

Why do companies list on stock exchanges at all? Answer that question and you’ll understand how to answer your question.

This is an asshat take 🤣🤣. It’s laughable. Nice bait though.

Because the vast millions (billions) of Apple users don’t give a flying shit. They just want to use what their friends use. It’s that simple.

It’s not about freedom, it’s not about choice, it’s not about bloatware, it’s not even about the cost. It’s simply what are my friends using I don’t want to be left out I’ll do what they do.

My ears.

No just joking, YouTube music mostly. It’s convenient, available everywhere, has a large catalogue, and good enough quality for me.

because I’m in the most Caucasian place outside of Europe (I’ll let you guess)



They already are. Do you think Biden is just sitting on his ass thinking of his cousin?

They’re already heavily involved.

People in my old company used to genuinely say dub dub dub as in “double-u double-u double-u”. Fucking dicks 😂.

Yes and here in the UK if you fail your test enough times with a manual transmission you get to try with an automatic.

Or the office would have to be in my street,

Could become a road sweeper?

The site (kbin) never had any content. Maybe it was federation issues or other bugs but often there were zero posts that interested me in a day. Quite a step down from Reddit.

Xeet pronounced “Sheeeet”

As in: Elon Musk’s changed the name of Twitter, Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Ahhh you’re trying to culture war this when the actual reason is way more sensible and boring than that. Why sit on a potentially dirty toilet seat when you don’t have to? Why even squat above it when you don’t have to? It’s laziness / efficiency, dear, not… 🤣🤣🙄… fragile masculinity.