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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


[SOLVED] Cloudflare proxy and Lemmy w/ Ansible playbook
Hi guys, would be happy to receive some input on my current problem. I spun up my own Lemmy instance yesterday using the ansible playbook on newly set up VPS with it's own IPv4. Since I also had an unused domain I choose to use it exclusively for Lemmy. I therefore set the domain in the hosts file to exactly that one. I created the follwing DNS entries in Cloudflare for it: - A Record with name www pointing towards the ip - A CName pointing the domain without subdomain towards the www.subdomain.de thing Both without a activating their proxies. As soon as I'm activating their proxies my instances becomes unreachable and if I'm calling www.my-domain.de I'm seeing an Nginx error page. Is there a smart way anyone of you knows how I could setup my dns records in a way that I'm able to use Cloudflare proxies to kinda encapsulate my vps a bit more? EDIT: I got it solved, first on, I was most probably an idiot when setting the SSL settings. I could be possible that I changed them for the wrong domain. So in the end I did two things. First on I changed the CNAME thing into another A record pointing directly towards the server ip. I suspect this was not the root cause. Because after changing the DNS settings I discovered that again the SSL settings were set to `Flexible` this is basically a setting where Cloudflare assumes you are somehow unable to get your own SSL certificate on your server and therefore only the traffic between the users browser and them is encrypted but the traffic towards your server is not. That was most probably the main reason since this should cause an infinite forwarding of Cloudflare trying http but my server was redirecting them to https (for more info see [here](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/origin-configuration/ssl-modes/flexible/)). I set it to `Full (strict)` meaning now all the traffic is encrypted using my certificate. After both changes it works now, and when pinging the url some random Cloudflare IP shows up and "my" ip is hidden. Old DNS settings: ![Old DNS settings](https://rational-racoon.de/pictrs/image/b99b4a1e-4c57-42ef-b42f-f5204ba683f4.jpeg) New DNS settings: ![New DNS settings](https://rational-racoon.de/pictrs/image/aeedbf75-445c-4a9a-b334-bd73a5abb062.jpeg) EDIT 1: Changed the title from xyz (SOLVED) to [SOLVED] xyz

Recommendation for a wireless mechanical split keyboard
Hi, I hope it's okay to ask for recommendations on this sub, if not please just delete my post, or lock it down. So back to the topic, I came here to ask if anyone could recommend me keyboard. I'm a software dev working 100% from home, therefore the keyboard I'm looking for is mainly used for work related stuff. Outside of work I'll also mainly do browsing, some office stuff and a bit of leisure coding. Gaming is (sadly) nothing I'm doing anymore beside maybe the single day once a year were I'm playing a few hours of factorio or something alike. Currently I'm mainly using a Logitech MX Keys since my girlfriend got stressed by the sound of my beloved Corsair K70 with blue clicky switches. Since she's not working from home anymore I'm able to go back to a mechanical keyboard. I would like to switch to one of those fancy split keyboard things since their ergonomics actually seems to be way better then the one of a classical keyboard. I'd also like it to be wireless since I reorganized my desk and actually managed to get a nice cable free desk. Thing is, when I was looking around I found some wireless ergonomic keyboards but most of them were no real split keyboards and almost all of them had rubber domes and no mechanical switches. The mechanical ones I found were all cabled bound and for some reason also incredibly expansive. E.g. I'd really liked the Moonlander thing but it's already at close to 400 euros, I also liked the ultimate hacking keyboard even more, since one is able to attach a small trackball to it but it's also cable bound and incl. vat and shipping to Germany it's above 600 euros... So to sum it up, I'd be really thankful if anyone of you has some suggestion for a nice mechanical wireless split keyboard. Thanks