• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Wait really? Is there a recommended extension for this?

Do you self host a ci/cd pipeline? If so what do you use?
Hi all, I'd like to spin up a lemmy instance with some changes I'd like to make this upcoming weekend, and I'd like to self host a ci/cd pipeline for it. At work, we use Jenkins tied to Jira. Our procedure is as follows: 1. We feature branch, build/deploy to dev (manual), self/peer verify. 2. Merge to master, build/deploy to dev (triggered by jira), QA tests 3. Promote to stage (deploy artifact from previous build, triggered by Jira), QA tests 4. Promote to prod, and pray we didn't miss any edge cases lol I'm not married to Jenkins and I'd be open to other options, if there's something you've tried that you think is better, I'd love to hear it! Would be nice to have auto triggers that are tied to kanban stories, but not necessary.

I’m presently working on changing the url schema to more match reddit’s,





I have all the code changes locally but waiting for a new PSU fot my home server to come in tomorrow for my dev server as i dont feel like setting up postgres etc on my laptop

FOSS software for music suggestions?
Looking to migrate off of spotify. I will miss it for suggesting new songs and keeping up with new releases. What do you use to stay up to date, but off of paid services?