I think my favorite thing about Lemmy is that it feels like Reddit used to. Less negativity, more engaged users (I think). I know it will be fun to watch Reddit die, but if I put spite aside what I’m really mad at Reddit about is more about what Reddit became and maybe part of that is when the general internet user started going to Reddit and it became less like the small community it was years ago. Feel free to disagree or share an argument 😉

At this rate i don’t see the bulk moving here because it’s way less user friendly. Many others have made this point much more fluently than i can, but Lemmy just isn’t friendly for non nerds or people who don’t want\have the time to put into learning it. Until there’s an app for lemmy as widely useable as, say, Apollo was, i doubt the masses will come here. Until then it’ll be us committed fediverse dorks who really want to be here - not just any old joe with a phone and wifi who wants to pop in, hurt someone’s feelings for funsies, and run away giggling.


This sounds fantastic to me.

It’s pretty much what happened on mastodon with the twitter-storm in November.

Huge influx of new users, about a third hung around - but it was the third who were the most like-minded.

People who cannot manage to sign up for an instance seems to be a very good filter to me. Learning about it takes 15 minutes. If you are not good enough for that, you are likely not good enough to contribute anything worthwhile either. Eventually Lemmy will get the good content and Reddit will become this text only version of Instagram, forcing them to learn, and we will have to spot and filter them as they try to invade Lemmy.

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  4. Not ad nauseam inducing: please make sure it is a question that would be new to most members
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