It feels refreshing like the old days of Reddit minus the bad stuff. People discussing hobbies, music, technology and stuff.

The one thing this place needs now is gaming discussions.

Sounds like nostalgia there, I remember around 2006 old reddit was a lot like 4chan, where link Russian roulette was seriously a thing, and I saw things I wish I never did on what seemed like a harmless thread. Reddit’s always had a shady, icky layer to me. There’s also the mass, thoughtless consumerism that doesn’t help things along.

I suppose lack of retro gaming discussion is simply because of amount of users, as the site grows I 100% expect it to be made and created. I’ve noticed a lot of comrades like Oblivion for some reason (I personally love modding it like one of those train sets models people spend years on). On emus a rom community perhaps?


There is itch, steam communities too.

I want stuff about retro games, emulator games, Flash games, pre 2010 popular titles. When DRM and DLC was a rarity, and devs made good games with passion. Relics of the past that are still alive.

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