I, being someone who works with computers, have had some luck with most of my favorite subs being here already.

Despite that, some of my hobby ones still aren’t here. NFL exists, but it’s the same as nothing so far. Soccer I couldn’t find at first, maybe today it already does? Also, no sign of fantasy football.

I also followed a bunch of History subs, but looks like most people in Lemmy only care about science and technology.

Tell us, what is missing for you?

I’m trying to be the change I want to see in the world https://lemmy.ml/c/hydrohomies

I scanned quickly through the comments here so I may have missed any mentions, if there were any… But my suggestion is: there should be a master/stickied list of equivalent subreddits. So in the future, people can just google [subreddit name] + lemmy (or kbin or beehaw etc etc).

Preferably the same exact subreddit name. Or are those subreddit names owned by Reddit? Can they come after us?


Yeah, I was quite disappointed to see that most, if not all, subreddits I follow had already shut down on Reddit. I mean, there’s r/learnjapanese, r/fitness, r/iwanttolearn, r/piracy, r/nootropics… I could go on and on. I’m actually considering creating a Lemmy community in place of r/chineselanguage, since I see nothing of the sort has been created yet here. However I’m quite hesitant, since I don’t really have the time nor interest in moderating a community, so… maybe I’ll just wait for someone else to create it instead?

Waiting for the Farming and Gardening subs to move over along with prepping.


Haven’t seen anything CSGO or CSGO2 related yet. :(

For r/soccer there’s !soccer@lemmy.ml although I’m hoping !football@lemmy.ml takes off instead.

It doesn’t look like there’s enough sports related content so something like !sports@beehaw.org might have more engagement.

I’m hoping for some specific craft communities, but for now it makes sense to huddle together in !creative@beehaw.org. We do love to show off pics of all our projects though so I expect it won’t be too long before it makes sense to start splitting that up.

I created mine at /c/guitars , I’m not sure if the reddit community at large will join though. I’m hesitant to push it anywhere, it feels like sleazy self promotion. I just wanna talk about my hobbies with other hobbyists, and leave all the corporate greed back at reddit.


Yes but there’s only 7 subscribers and I’m the only post :(

Then again it’s a niche community about a fantasy series, I’m not surprised it doesn’t have much going on yet.



I’m a sucker at using the kbin / Lemmy search. I am still looking for these communities:

/r/cologne or / r/koeln
/r/parents or /r/eltern
/r/djs or /r/beatmatch
/r/house or /r/deephouse

There are probably more… If noone knows where these communities exist on Lemmy or kbin, I will create them! Maybe you can help me deciding on which instance it would be best. I can do lemmy.ml, lemmy.world, feddit.de and kbin.

bot account

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using an URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !atbge@lemmy.world, !kidsarefuckingstupid@lemmy.world, !cologne@feddit.de, !djs@lemmy.world, !deephouse@discuss.tchncs.de

Hi all! I’m a Reddit refugee. This is my first comment here. I think I’m gonna lurk for a while and figure out how this works

Try stuff out. Once it clicks, it’s beautiful. Took me a moment, but now I’m mostly flying.


Most of my intrests are there and have some activity. Mainly the computerstuff and all. But others exist but aren’t active. Take for example kpop, japanese music, horses, the elder scrolls. I wouldn’t mind a community for western style RPGs as those are nearly the only games I play, with a few exeptions. General gaming ones seem too general for me, too little I care about.

I am trying to post here, but also don’t want to spam a community with only my posts and make it looks like some kind of echo chamber. Feels like a delicate balance on the (nearly) inactive ones.

I’m still waiting for an SBC Gaming/handheld community and more fashion communities.

I would start them myself but ive been super busy recently :(

I’m missing witchesagainstthe patriarchy, mommit, and quilting. Everything else is here and I’m going to get more familiar this weekend and maybe start some groups


I’d love to see WitchesAgainstThePatriarchy again! Looks like communities on Lemmy.ca are fairly easy to create. I’ll play around with it for a bit and see what it’s like.


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