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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


As a Dart developer myself you won’t have any problem with VS code and Dart. Actually, it’s a bit better than on Windows because it was originally not much of a windows centric system anyways

What? VS Code is available on Linux and that’s what they’re using

No, but they actually do write some patches and they also do all the menial work, testing and verification to keep a piece of software serviceable for 10 years

If you think it’s easy, go and attempt it yourself. The greatest cure for people talking shit about needed effort, according to my experience…

Red Hat and SUSE also charge for extended support, it’s literally the only fucking way to make money off of a distro

Canonical still offers 5 years standard at the enormous cost of 0.0$

A lot of butthurt techbros getting cockblocked here lmao

having a stable base helps. Also, config breakage can happen without user intervention. See Gentoo or Arch’s NOTICE updates

That’s the same on ANY platform, but windows is far worse because most apps ship a DLL and -never- update the damn thing. With Linux, it’s a little bit more transparent. (edit: unless you do the stupid shit and link statically, but again in the brave new world of Rust and Go having 500 Mb binaries for a 5 Kb program is acceptable)

Also, applications use the API/ABI of a particular library. Now, if the developers of the said library actually change something in the library’s behavior with an update, your app won’t work it no more unless you go and actually update your own code and find everything that’s broken.

So as you can understand, this is a maintenance burden. A lot of apps delegate this to a later time, or something that happens sometimes with FOSS is that the app goes unmaintained somewhat, or in some cases the app customizes the library so much, that you just can’t update that shit anymore. So you fix on a particular version of the library.

Because the older alternatives are hacky, laggy, buggy, and quite fundamentally insecure. X.Org’s whole architecture is a mess, you practically have to go around the damn thing to work it (GLX). It should’ve been killed in 2005 when desktop compositing was starting to grow, but the FOSS community has a way with not updating standards fast enough.

Hell, that’s kinda the reason OpenGL died a slow death, GL3 had it released properly would’ve changed everything

Debian systems are verified to work properly without subtle config breakages. You can run Debian practically unattended for a decade and it’s chug along. For people who prefer their device to actually work, and not just be a maintenance princess, it’s ideal.

First car’s like the first girl. You always get new sweethearts but shit just ain’t feel like the first time you fall in love.

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart

It has a special place for me because a long time ago, when I was younger, I had R&C Size Matters as the only game on my PSP and that’s because I bought the PSP in a bundle

And that was the only R&C game I played until Rift Apart and that shit hit me like that scene in the end of Ratatouille mfer

I literally have the opposite experience with the phone thing lmfao

at some point I had a calculator (one of those slick 1990s casios) in my pocket, that king of looked like a phone. When I was passing one of the admins, I actually thought she thinks I have a phone in my pocket, so I gestured to it to say it’s a calculator which she misinterpreted as me somehow boasting that I got a phone, so she was like “Oh so you got a phone, so what? Everyone does nowadays”

Bull fucking shit if you used windows in the old days you must have had a foot stuck up MSDOS 's 16bit ass

You should just keep to Linux Mint if you don’t want to learn distro config inside and out, it’s literally what it’s designed for, don’t listen to trolls who say you should run fucking Arch

(Debian is not easy as well. Ubuntu exists because Debian was too hard to install lol actually if you deep down inside it’s even more complicated)

The space is



What you observe of the universe died a really long time ago, it’s improbable that other intelligent life in the universe can observe us and the same with us.

We could be multiple galaxies away from each other and never ever know of each other.

There is a Wayland WM that’s specifically developed on FreeBSD called Hikari

I haven’t run KDE 6 but on Kubuntu with the last LTS 5.27 release, I don’t have any of those issues also on a fully AMD system

You know, some personal anecdote here but Arch is a really shitty distro when it comes to subtle, hard to detect, system config breakage so maybe there’s something wrong somewhere in the system?

Give it a try with another distro like Debian or something and see if the issues happen there

And if they do, for the love of fuck FILE BUG REPORTS! The only reason we’re here today is because people who got annoyed at shit filed bug reports for it

Yes. I’ve used X11 for far too long to have any rose tinted glasses for the piece of fucking broken shit it always was. a LOT of people don’t realize how many hacks, workarounds and sheer tears and duct tape goes into making the piece of shit render the smallest line on the screen.

That’s also why Phoronix comment section neckbeards are so infuriating for me. They talk like X.Org works like at all.

Themes are very powerful beings in KDE. they can install SDDM themes and scripts, they can set Kvantum themes, custom parameters for other parts of the system etc.

You can’t really do that shit without scripting

Why Nix? It will only make your life 2000% harder and quite frankly makes one hate Linux. As a developer the best dev distros I’ve used were Debian, Ubuntu and Arch

XMPP is used in many, many places. It’s just not usually explicitly known that the backend is using that protocol

No, but root-of-trust isn’t really established unless you ONLY take packages that the distro’s security maintainers actually maintain, Flatpak, Appimage and Snap are a bit of a no man’s land. You have to trust the developers to be cool, independent of the tool, unless you as mentioned before use only FOSS software from the distro’s main repositories. And yes, specifically main repos because any random dick can go and upload a PKGBUILD or make a PPA.

You have a relatively weak CPU for Gentoo – there is no denying that. The upside of Gentoo is that you can make it exactly how you want it, it will be truly tuned by you for you unlike anything else. I ran it myself for a while. And if you want security, if you have the time to really understand the hardening options Gentoo can be more secure than anything else. As I said, how good Gentoo works and what it can do is a direct function of the user.

Refer to an earlier post on the downsides of flatpak, Snap basically doesn’t have a lot of those issues other than the fundamental ones regarding a canonical far package

You may have used Snaps when they used XZ compression. XZ is a stellar compressor, but for static data. It compresses better at the cost of being slower, nowadays Snaps use fast algorithms tuned for faster decompression, so it starts a lot faster.

I don’t understand why people are so hell bent on hating Snaps. The architecture is literally better than Flatpak – and I’m quite sure it’s possible to run one’s own Snap host. Some people say they’re bloated and slow, well not anymore than Flatpak (actually less) and people love that?

People download and run completely opaque AppImages from god knows where and that’s better than Snap Store which is hit with malicious apps so rarely it’s actual news

Flatpak also has a system where any scammer and malicious developer can just roll their own flatpak repo and voila, nobody can stop them. If it ever becomes mainstream, it’ll be a shit show worse than Google Play

Then what’s the point in having different distros lol we don’t have duplication for the sake of duplication there are reasons why there are different distros, philosophies and packaging method. I see this mistake from many usually newer Linux users, there are different distros because there is a point in packaging the OS differently.

Flatpak for example completely abandons makig apps use patched system libraries. Or having different packages for different init systems. Or , god forbid, supporting BSDs

1- It takes a lot of space. jUsT bUy a bIgGeR dRiVe --stfu I’m not going to spend money for you to waste it

1- a) Everyone assumes you’re an American with 20Gbps symmetrical fiber optic. My internet can’t handle 2+ Gb downloads for a fucking 50 Mb app bro

2- Duplicate graphics drivers. Particularly painful with Nvidia

3- It puts a lot of security work with distro library trees straight into the shitter

4- Horrendously designed system for CLI apps (flatpak run org.whocares.shit.app)

5- Filesystem isolation has many upsides for security but also it can cause some pain (definitely nitpicking)

Actually, GNU is free software because it not only preserves the freedom of the user but it also preserves the freedom of the entire ecosystem. Lax licenses allow those freedoms to be taken away, a corporation can use that software to create a proprietary alternative and outcompete the open source one. With GPL, such maneuver is impossible.