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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Jan 29, 2024


I dont think its the question but why someone is asking a question. If you take vaccines, someone could be questioning the COVID shot due to someone yelling on a podcast saying it will kill them vs someone being able to look at statistics and wondering if its effective.

Asking a dumb question can actually indicate lower intelligence because they dont understand or can directly disregard false information. I am not seeing how you can relate asking question to intelligence, I dont think there is any correlation.

I dont know about how animals brain work, but someone questioning something doesnt indicate any higher levels of intelligence as far as I am aware. I think we would both agree that people questioning if the earth is flat doesnt mean they are smarter than usual for that question.

I dont disagree with what you are saying about them, I am just saying that they came to that conclusion because their own life sucks and then they throw in some atheist style logic about God being evil. Its two different topics that probably made them reach the conclusion they came to.

We make assumptions every hour of everyday, and I didnt say anything about his mental health, I just know they are probably very unhappy and have lived a life that needs changed.

I am, I really liked clown school and one thing led to another. Thank you for asking!

Sometimes people need a different question answered than the one they asked. The dude is asking a philosophically foolish question with no real merit, the only reason you guys like it is that you dont God or believe he exists.

I am making that assumption and it is probably accurate. I could be wrong but probably not, happy people dont tend to rail against how terrible life is.

The whole post is a matter of opinion. Are you claiming people with shitty lives will just as likely to have the OPs opinion of someone living a good life?

Sure, but people that are wildly happy is unlikely to see everything as evil.

Persepctive is extremely relevant. For example if you live under a government and things are going great for you, you will more likely think the government is good than someone that is in poverty and under attack by the government.

What in your life is not going so great that you are unhappy? Writing someone might actually help.

Sure, but that is if they are focusing on only the bad things and ignoring the good things. Someone that is wildly happy with their life is not thinking how life is so terrible and evil.

The real question is why do you feel so angry and upset about your life? I would start focusing on the good things not just the bad ones.

I dont really see much of a benefit to big cities, its a quick helicopter ride if someone is going to need extreme medical care. As long as there is a Costco, Home Depot, and walmart, I am all set.

Maybe in some places, but I think most small towns of 10k and larger have normal hospitals and EMS services. All the places I have lived have been within 10 minutes of the hospital.

Small towns are typically going to have hospitals within the same distance. The only difference is they will helicopter you to a large city if its a severe medical problem.

Trades are one of the best ways to become the owner/self employed and make a lot more. If you are smartish and have your life together you can make a killing.

You guys are aweful blood thirsty… I was actually referring to how many of his own people he killed.

They would not admit that objectively Jesus and christianity is one the key factors of success of the west, and you dont even need to be a believer in God or a god to admit it.

What after life do some atheists believe in? How do they get there?

  1. Full Ton pickup - I had an old half ton and was abusing it.

  2. Dump trailer - I can move so much more material, and dump so much faster.

I was just saying they do it for non monetary reasons, and if there is a continuous supply of people willing to do it for free, they really shouldnt pay.

Mods are paid in power and the ability to push their opinions. If there are people willing to do it for free then they dont need to pay anyone.

Is $60k USD about what the average income is? That is what google told me.

I was having a stressful time with family and work related things and I couldnt sleep and didnt want to eat. It went on for maybe a week and then I started having panic attacks (which I didnt even know what that was) and I could hear music in my head. The next day I just quit on the project I was on, handed my responsibilities to someone else and maybe by the grace of God the problem was resolved. I was afraid I was going to shorten my life if I kept going. I have totally changed what we did with work, and I think I have a path to avoid what happened. This was a good helpful question to write about.