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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


You can sharpen every knife. Better knifes stay sharper for longer, but they still need to be sharpened regularly. This also applies to ceramic knifes, which stay sharper even longer, but also need to be sharpened after a lot of use.

To me, Lemmy is in not better than Reddit. It has the potential to be, but it seems like a certain type of person came here. Far to the left, about as crazy as people voting for Trump, tho not as terrible in the effects, but about as disconnected from reality.

Look at this comment and the answers below.

Correct. As long as the wood is around, the CO2 is bound.

Yeah, I took it as stats from one person instead of the whole platform.

I think it is generally like this for most people: Once you get going (do something), it is much easier to then also do something else.

Yeah, that must be it! I’m listening to the audiobook in German (hence the spelling mistake) and it just didn’t make any sense to me at all. Especially since Mr. Punch is mentioned as the violent puppet, but then on the carriage it’s not “Mr. Punch”, but Kasper. I’m still not quite sure why this should give the embassy a hint that it was Dodger who did that (something like that was said).

Terry Pratchett: Why does Dodger scratch “Kaspar” in the carriage?
In "Dodger" by Terry Pratchett: Why does Dodger scratch "Kaspar" in the carriage of the embassy before setting everything on fire? There is no character I know with that name and if he just randomly picks a German(?) name, why should it remind anyone of him then?