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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2021


A lot of the federation has been people groomed by reddit dropping all the social progress that site has made over the years.

Step back and look at the situation from the third person and ask yourself if you like what you see.

Leave it to a sh.ithead to be afraid of using fucking tone indicators. That’s dedication to being a regressive sh.itbag.

  • Socialist: [exists]
  • Average person: “Huh. Guess they’re my enemy now”

I get you’re afraid of saying the quiet part out loud out of fear of backlash, thankfully i’m here to point that out so people don’t miss it.

Quitting smoking

  • In real life: 🙂😎
  • In a Source game: 😲😠

What element were you before you transitioned to fire?

EDIT: I should probably point this out, this is a joke; please don’t speculate or ask about a trans person’s pretransition identity.

God knows no wrath like a slightly inconvenienced and intellectually humiliated liberal.

Stalin would visit everyone and ask for a single spoon of grain. If you were able to fill his giant spoon all the way, he would eat you alive.

Orwell be like “Yeah that guy? He’s a communist. How do I know… he’s. you know… black

If people saw the original list he would universally be seen as an actual Nazi, which is why the Orwells are fighting so hard to keep it private. Based on what we know of him there’s no way in hell he didn’t also use “jewish” as the sole evidence someone was a communist.

I want so bad for them to add auto-hiding for comments from certain instances.

Pretty much. Beehaw has a default political ideology (neoliberalism) if you’re on that train than perfect, if not you won’t last long.

Reddit has the worst most awful userbase (it was literally created to be a hangout for pedo-nazis) but has the benefit of normal people diluting the toxic shitheads, so as long as the moderators aren’t actively suppressing a community they tend to be pretty normal on average.

Only problem is that it’s nearly impossible to find a subreddit that isn’t suppressed to shit by both the mods and astroturf bots.

If you want to see an example of how the federation fails smaller communities look no further than almost every comment section in c/vegan is full of people who are vocally and vehemently against it. There’s just nothing to stop dominant culture from flushing out the others.

The algorithm is great for serendipity but absolutely useless at protecting the more niche subjects from the most annoying comments.

There’s concerted efforts by actual nazis to shit this place up because they see it as a genuine threat.

Places that advertise themselves as being free speech

  • Expectation: You are free to say whatever you please
  • Reality: Oops! All CSAM/racism and they ban on a hair

The closest I ever found to love was a result of me being unapologetically myself. I was a terrible person but it turns out that someone was into that. By the end I was involved with someone else’s life by no effort of my own; exemplified by the fact that my first memory of them is a few years after their first memory of me. Sadly as I grew as a person we fell off and this time i’m finding it a lot harder to find someone who likes me.

You can make all the vague guesses you want, I’ve lived the experience and can say flat out the instance uses respectability politics to shut out criticism. Like it’s clear as day to anyone on the receiving end of that what they’re about.

All i’m trying to say is them defederating from lemmygrad tells you everything about that instance that you need to know. Hexbear I get, but grad holds themselves up to a way higher standard of comment quality and there was zero reason to defederate outside political. They literally only blocked the instance because they were communists who aren’t afraid to calmly debunk fascist propaganda with sources, and that’s an experience corroborated by literally anyone who has had the displeasure of interacting with their polite-fascist administration.

EDIT: the example you provided is not only completely useless as it guts the original intent of the message but is STILL too offensive for them, as bringing up fascism is already “killing the mood” more than enough for them to remove. Not only that they would accuse you of calling the OP a Nazi which is another way they can shut you down. Believe me I’ve dealt with liberal fascists my whole life i’ve heard it all.

How do you respectfully say “this is nazi propaganda?” You can’t. That’s the point. That’s why they do it.

Because you’re seeing them as an idealized object of desire, not as a person.

How to break out of this: think of a bunch of flaws they could have that would be challenging but not deal-breakers.

I quote it nearly every day

There is no problem that can’t be solved by getting off Twitter

Hmm wonder why people would quit a circlejerk platform that bans people who call out when someone posts literal fascist propaganda.

It’s because beehaw mandates its positivity. I once called out one of their posts as being fascist and they banned me for being rude about it.

I feel like any place that forces people to be positive in a world where there’s so much injustice is always going to passively side with evil.

But that’s what’s nice, Lemmy.ml admins can’t ban me from Lemmy, only .ml

This is the one saving grace of Lemmy that saves it from just being a more overcomplicated reddit. I’ve probably caught the most bans on the entire federation because I don’t mince words and being openly left-of-hitler makes me a threat to people who don’t want to admit they’re fascists. All of that and I get to continue posting because the gaps are filled by more reasonable comms and instances who don’t do that.

For the first time on the internet I feel like I can just be myself and not get punished for it. I don’t have to pretend to be someone i’m not. It does have a bit of a cultural rot problem (don’t bring up pedophilia, Ukraine or veganism if you value your sanity) but I don’t see that as being a permanent thing, more a consequence of people coming in from reddit. Once the federation matures a bit that sorta thing should dip down.

Lemmy: Flawed but fun; doesn’t do enough about fascists on the platform but at least they’re really good about free speech.

Kbin: Boring. They don’t have downvotes and it’s just a stream of information with little context. Its users kind of suck.

Beehaw: Fascist, in a liberal way. They moderate like totalitarians and are so uber sensitive to any prospective outside their own.

Mastodon: Misses the mark. They tried to replace twitter and succeeded; not learning from any of its mistakes. As a result it’s all of the liberalism of twitter and none of the communists. Also little known fact is that Truth Social is a fork of mastodon, so good job on that one 👍

Positives: You’ll learn everything

Negatives: You’ll become insufferable

I gave Pateron a try awhile back, unless you’re in it to donate to your favorite artist it’s not a very good business model, and because they take such a cut it’s not even that good for donations either. It’s a shame because on paper it sounds like it would be awesome, but what instead ends up happening is that people take content they would have posted for free and paywall it, only to post it a half year later anyway.

Make lemonade. - Get mad!! Make life take the lemons back!!

dramatic crossroads

When life gives you lemons…

Any reason to quit reddit is a good reason.

Seriously?? I guess… It makes sense, DDG stopped being good like 2 or 3 years ago.

Has there ever been a time in human history where pickup artistry has every lead to anything other than less-than-consensual sex?

A youtuber, forgot who, did a great video showing how we’ve shifted to an addiction economy and as hot of a take as that is, it makes a lot of sense. You’re not allowed to just buy stuff and be happy anymore. You have to keep buying things over and over and you’re still not satisfied.

To offer insight on store jerky; it keeps forever and the profit margins are astronomical for what it costs to make.