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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I’m glad you finally got a chance to play it. I played it back in 2020, and it was the kind of game I needed to get me through those times.

I’ve been enjoying Deltarune too. I can’t wait for the game to be finished.

I just take comfort in the fact that my art will never be good enough for a generative Ai to steal.

Turns out, the brands and the ads weren’t the reason people were sticking to Twitter.

They probably should have, but I’m glad they didn’t.

People here are mostly cool, But it does feel like more and more of the obnoxious redditors are discovering this place.

The question is do we actually want everyone from twitter to be here?

I have 2 of those at least. Might give them a try.

You won’t regret it. It’s one of those games that I still think about even a year after playing it. It has some flaws, and as said isn’t for everyone, but it is a top 10 game for me, and anyone with similar taste will probably appreciate it as well.

You WILL play Eastward! For the first 30 minutes at least, and I’ll be totally understanding if you decide its not your cup of tea.

SlayersX and Pelglin seemed interesting to me. Idk, they all seem neat, but not “Play or else” levels of neat.

Same here. I would have been excited if Sony made a vita follow up, because Nintendo proved there was still a niche for handheld gaming. My biggest problem with the switch is even the lite models are too bulky to justify carrying everywhere. The Vita is the perfect size, but the platform is dead, support all but dried up, and the potential unmet.

If Vita 2 was announced tomorrow, with the same capabilities of the switch or steam deck, but with the form factor of the vita, I would preorder that day.

I don’t know about “MOST” as there are still a good amount of mainstream companies that advertise on the site. At least you wouldn’t know it if you are still on the site constantly. And I’m mostly going on about the users there who don’t like the changes there and constantly complain about them in articles or youtube, yet it is the only way they insist on engaging with their followers still.

The thing about Mastodon and Lemmy to users who exclusively use those sites is they are themselves a bubble. There are weeks I spend most of my web activity on kbin, and would believe reddit is on its death spiral. Yet I peak over there, and it’s about as active as when I left it. I even see articles about reddit or twitters activity recovering that I never see get shared here, because at the end of the day, the narrative we want to hear is “Corporate site is dying, we are the future!”

Hell no. If there is one thing I learned from moving over to fediverse, it’s that people are what make the site enjoyable or frustrating. As it is now, I enjoy the userbase here and on Mastodon, and the last thing I would want is for the most insufferable of Twitter users to come and ruin it. I’m happy most people who are quitting Twitter are joining the other alternatives. I would rather people join the fediverse as a more deliberate choice based on what we offer.

Except that their business model of “bUt EvErYoNe Is HeRe” or “Mastodon/Bluesky is too complicated” seems to be keeping them afloat.

I can’t believe the entire vita fanbase is here. (Not me, but I’m happy to meet the both of you!)

I actually find myself spending more time here, to the point to where I might have to take a break because it’s starting to become unhealthy.

I think the reason why is since there are less posts per volume, it’s easier to read through everything. Since the communities are smaller, the news and discussion is more focused. And because a lot of the more tech savy and activist minded individuals made the switch over to lemmy, I find it easier to have more nuanced conversation than on reddit.

However some of my bad habits from reddit are starting to resurface here, and I probably need to start regulating my time here. At the very least, I feel like I get a lot more out of my time and participation here.

Honestly, I think fascism can manifest from both leftist and right wing points of view. Like a lot of fascists organizations started as workers organizations who gathered together for better working conditions, compensation, and security, and down the line were convinced that racial minorities, jews, and immigrants were the cause of their problems.

A lot of the formally left wing people turned fascist I’ve known started from the point of view of capitalism, globalization, and wealth inequality being the causes of their problems, and overtime were convinced that this meant immigrants, erasure of their culture (white/American/Christian) and evil cabals of jews/queer people/atheists/satanists/etc.

Basically if you rally behind strongmen, aim for religious/cultural/racial dominion, and aim for the elimination of a certain group of people as a means of achieving your goals, you might be a fascists, and the path towards that can start from anywhere.

edit: yeah, I think going to delete this post soon. Many people seem to have taken this post as an opportunity to point the finger and rip at each other, as well as construe any negative action as “fascism” when the whole point of my post was to be introspective. Seems like a lot of people simply read the first sentence and decided to go to town instead.

Thank you Serena for continuing to defend our freedoms!

Ikr! I’m surprised it took so long for an indie project to fill the gap. If it’s even half as good as jsrf, I’ll be satisfied.

I want to know what Jet St Radio for the Wii could’ve been. Apparently one was tossed around, but at the end of the day was rejected. Tbf, this was 2006~ Sega, and it probably would’ve been trash. But I will still never not be curious about what could’ve been.

On kbin and I think most major lemmy instances, you can block communities, so if you don’t want to see content from them, say redditmigration posts, you can filter the whole community. That won’t stop you from say seeing it in unrelated communities, in which case blocking the users who keep bring it up reduces visibility of the topic even more. Finally setting your default page to your subs rather than top reduces the visibility of unwanted topics even more.

I sincerely wish people would use the block feature, rather than keep making threads complaining about content/communities they don’t like to see.

Shit! a community complaint post already ??

I believe this is an important message for everyone on lemmy to keep in mind, from lurkers up to the devs and admins,

And yet the most consumed plant in the US is one that is barely edible for humans, and inedible for most the animals we feed it to.

Missed train, but eh, whatever.

The year is 2016, I’m teaching English in Japan, and the Olympics is on TV with Nigeria vs. Japan in Soccer.

I’m normally not into Scoccer or any kind of TV sport for that matter, but I caught the game early on, and Japan was neck and neck with Nigeria. For some reason I wanted to see it play out. JAPAN scores! YES! then I remember where I was and what I was doing, and my train to Sapporo had left 30 minutes ago…

Luckily I was able to schedule another train, and what time I got there didn’t really matter, but I had to wait several hours for it to arrive. Japan ended up losing 5 to 4.

Either way, there’s no way it’s natural.

I feel Marvel needs to be further to the right, and Spiderman needs its own separate category.

I was introduced to kbin first, and after giving both kbin and lemmy a shot, I decided on kbin as my primary. I prefer the layout mostly. Yes I know you can customize lemmy to get it to a similar look and feel, but kbin feels great straight out the box. The Mastodon integration is interesting, and its nice to keep up with what’s going on there at the same time on one site. Also as federation users, we are encouraged to join smaller instances to lighten the load of ml and world, and kbin seems to be a good compromise of joining a smaller instance that isn’t too empty. Also, with the recent hacks happening with the bigger lemmy instances, I feel like I made the right call sticking around here.

Individual pokemon fans are sweethearts, but forever reasons, most major online pokemon communities are dens of awful where some of the worst people gather and make you question why you’re even a fan in the first place.

A good amount of the content posted to reddit was a small number of power users, and the reason you see certain communities show up more than others on lemmy is because of those power users.

Don’t be afraid to be that for your communities, even if you are the only one posting for awhile. The biggest discouragement to activity in a community is seeing the latest post is weeks to months old, and you wondering if there is anyone actually here.

Different perspective: “I am the content!”

Snackbar! Snackbar!

Noone:“You can’t just invalidate my argument with a mouse with a french horn!”

Mouse: “doot”

“Thanks! I got it dirt cheap!”

Agreed, but sadly to a profit driven company like Nintendo, they are still customers, and the anti LGBTQ lobby in the US is still very powerful, and they would definitely makes things miserable for Nintendo if they decided to go “lol, bigots stay mad XD”

You’re definitely seeing this with Disney, which has become the whipping boy of the republican party and are actively being legislated against due to their stance on LGBTQ inclusion. Nintendo being a foreign company who has a history of being targeted by conservatives in the past (as a video game company and a Japanese company) probably wants to avoid any controversy it can.

Aside from the dialogue being darker than the US localization, Vivi is trans in the Japanese PMTYD. I go into detail on what roadblocks nintendo faces rereleasing it and Mother 3 in a reply to @testfactor