Long-term Linux operations guy who somehow became a Golang developer.

I also run the lemmy.serverfail.party instance

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Pretty great on the web browser front-end to be honest - haven’t had an issue when I have used it on my phone. Not sure about the app side of things since I’ve been trying to limit my doom scrolling to when I’m at a computer

Fired up a FreshRSS instance for myself when the reddit API notifications came about. Reminds me of my Google Reader days - quite happy with it thus far. Any of the decent quality news sites seem to have an RSS option, at least in my experience so far.

Surprised it’s not mentioned here, but Bzflag.

Super fun tank shooter game that doesn’t take much to run, and reminds me of a cross between the very old bolo game and Mario kart’s battle mode.

Yeah - this was a tad annoying at work today. Thank god for terraform if outages had become more severe

Same. I know it’s more work than caddy etc, but I’ve been doing it for eons now so it’s muscle memory at this point.

Good web-based ebook library/reader?
Looking to remove Google play books from my life, so looking for something I can toss a bunch of stuff into and use. Any good recommendations, with a decent UI?