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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Oct 12, 2023


Yes, shithead, the IT professionals tasked with setting up government computers do in fact know how to install a fucking browser extension.

That will absolutely include government accounts.

Google would get instagibbed.

Nah, not dumb at all. YouTube’s being super dicks about it but the uBlock Origin team seems to only be about half a tick behind with getting updates out.

“I have my ad blocker set to not block ads and Google isn’t complaining about me blocking ads.”


IF? Are you paying attention to what’s going on with Chrome?

Google is introducing a bullshit system that will ultimately let them control what the browser can and can’t display.
They are working to eliminate ad blockers entirely.

Their entire fucking goal is to lock down YOUR FUCKING BROWSER so they can send you any ads they want, at any time they want, without them even having to be served through a website. They also want to push their “security” bullshit so that if you’re using a non-Chrome browser you get excluded from the internet.

And right now the overwhelming majority of browsers are Chrome based.

The EU will likely not let this happen, but the US has no balls when it comes to carving up shitbags these days.

Fully blocking only if you aren’t using uBlock Origin, which you just have to update the filters on.

Complete waste of effort.

Alphabet needs to be broken up.

It’s all about PayPal, isn’t it?

Holy fucking shit.

PayPal is Musk’s Obama burn.

PayPal shitcanned him because he’s a fucking idiot so he takes that money, gets SpaceX going and memes Tesla to success by sheer accident. At the point everyone’s thinking he’s “Rill Loaf Toony Sturk” he’s STILL fucking boiling that PayPal canned him because he’s actually terrible at everything. He then proceeds to start sniffing his own farts, building rescue submarines that would never work, calling people “pedo guys”, impregnating every woman that will take the payoff to have his moron seed implanted in them, moving to Texas and wearing a fucking cowboy hat to show how much of a REEL MAYUN he is (despite the fact that fucking nobody wears a cowboy hat in this state outside of actual cowboys and people that want to announce that they’re fucking idiots to everyone).

He renames Twitter to X so trigger his nostalgia balls and then a few months later announces he’s going to replace banks with X. Which would also, theoretically, replace PayPal.

He really is nothing more than a little bitch that happens to have money.

Elon literally wants an underclass of peasants that owe him money so he can ship them off to Mars and act as his indentured servants.


The man is a fucking idiot.

I left waaaaay back when they decided that everyone had to have their shitty launchers and logins and basically turned into Autodesk.

I deal with one Autodesk at a time. And it’s Autodesk.

But I thought the open nature of open source meant it was safe because someone has checked all code everywhere!

This shit has become tedious.

  • Random shit
  • Untrustworthy

So github is untrustworthy now.

And again you’re arguing in favor of walled gardens. Fucking hypocritical imbeciles. Anything to keep your precious fucking OS free from criticism, right?

Only in Linux Land would “daily desktop tips” include “REINSTALL YOUR ENTIRE SYSTEM FOR SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FEATURES.”

That is cause you’re using a stable release distro.

No. That’s because the latest version of the software has some incompatibility with the distro that the distro devs can’t be arsed to fix. If you’re not aware of how often this happens then YOU are the one that clearly doesn’t actually use Linux on a daily basis.

Oh look, I can make blind assertions about your lack of knowledge too.

Nobody is doing that, except maybe Ubuntu


well wouldn’t you know it there 100000 distros more you can choose

Yeah, sure, just completely reinstall your entire system because one fucking dev doesn’t like having to deal with users installing .deb files. Goddamn Linux apologists are morons sometimes. It’s like you’ve never actually used a computer you HAVE to use. They’re just your masturbation tools and nothing more.

lesser known or has bad support for Linux.

So the majority of software, you mean. Have you even fucking been to github.com? Do you think every one of those programs is in a repository? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW ANYTHING WORKS OUTSIDE OF YOUR PRECIOUS WALLED PACKAGE MANAGER GARDEN?

In 2023 almost everything someone needs is in the repos of distros like Mint and Debian.

Says you, and who the fuck are you besides nobody?

Certainly everything for the type of user that is too lazy to Google anything.

Again, a cunt blaming the user for a distro removing options. Fuck off.

I’m sorry, are we talking about shit that users do or are we talking about masturbatory sysadmin jizzcup filler? Because it seems like you’re not paying attention to the conversation, which is that Ubuntu doesn’t even let users install .deb packages through the fucking package manager.

“Provided you choose the right distro.”

Yeah. Windows or MacOS if you actually want to do shit.

Just wanted to mention, I’ve never had an issue with Windows or MacOS that wasn’t directly caused by my own personal fuckery. Somehow though, I’ve had multiple Linux distro installs decide to hose themselves because they didn’t update through the precious fucking package manager properly. You know, the thing that everyone is now shitting on users for not using?

The most fun one was whenever a Debian update decided that the right thing to do was move my primary drive into a subfolder in /etc. Yeah. That fucking happened.

Goalpost moving fuck.

Not there to make a profit? Then why the fuck do all of the major distros have donation pages, and shops, and foundations, and all of the other things that generate money for a handful of people? Stop fucking acting like mainstream Linux distros are still Slackware equivalent one-man operations. That’s horseshit and you fucking know it.

Those repos are nowhere near vast as shit. It’s trivial to find software that isn’t one or more of them, and quite often what is there isn’t remotely a recent version.

Removing the ability to install .debs is literally limiting user choice and walling things off so the user doesn’t hurt themselves, the same shit that every fucking Linux knob has been squealing about Windows and MacOS doing for decades.

Can you do that with Windows or MacOS?

Yes, I can in fact download programs that aren’t on the Windows or Mac app stores. Are you even paying attention here?

Yes, by the shit-tier decisions of the distro developers.


Or did you not even bother reading the fucking headline?

Or were you too busy moving the goalposts to even do that?

“Oh look, this software isn’t available in the selection that Fedora/Ubuntu/Mint/whatever decided I should have. I guess I can’t install it despite the fact that there are compatible packages for my distro.”

Yeah right. Walled garden horseshit. Linux apologists do anything they can to move goalposts, to the point where using it is fucking impossible if you actually listen to every asshole’s personal opinion.

If you can’t adapt to the user’s behavior YOU are in the wrong. End of fucking story.

And seriously, you’re using an app store to illustrate why limiting user choice is good. What the actual fuck are you doing on a Linux sub anyway?

Something that worked last week now does not work.

System issue. Suck less shit at systems and maybe people in general would give a shit about Linux.

The “inferior way” being precisely the kind of walled garden Linux apologist types typically shit their pants and smear in on their faces about. But it’s fine because it’s UBUNTU’s walled garden! Can’t be using anything Ubuntu doesn’t allow!

A dozen incompatible distribution standards, with shit not even compiled for most of them, relying on the distro for updates that can run several versions behind because the newest version isn’t compatible with THEIR ecosystem…

But App Store bad. Windows Store bad. Play Store bad.

Piss on that hypocrisy.

In other words, you’ve seen fucked up systems because people treat their Linux system like literally every non-Linux system they’ve used.

Which is a Linux problem, not a user problem.

Fucking any of them. Seriously. It doesn’t really matter. Eventually you’ll come to the realization that until you’re talking about oddball shit designed for one douchebag’s personal proclivities it’s all the same shit under the hood. They just have fourteen incompatible package managers because, again, douchebag personal proclivities.

If you’re too fucking stupid to know who the actual users of Photoshop are and why moving to Linux doesn’t work for them, brother, you can fuck off.

Which is utterly fucking irrelevant to the conversation.

  • K. Have fun.
  • Yes, LibreOffice works fine. Now save that document and send it over to the attorney for approval. Wait for the email telling you it’s broken and shit because they’re using Office and LibreOffice still has problems export to different file formats. Interoperability is the issue. Google Docs is not an answer for anything.
  • So between this and the previous one you’re basically saying that advanced USERS need not apply to Linux, right?
  • Then why the fuck is every dick with an ISO telling me that Linux can be installed on any old hardware I have laying around?

This is the problem with Linux in general. Such a huge portion of the user base are elitist pricks. “Well just buy the RIGHT hardware.” Nah mate, I can’t be arsed to buy a new motherboard with a wifi chip that’s supported by this OS. I’ve already bought the audio interface. That scanner was a gift. The printer was a deal. It goes on.

Find me a performance patch in any Paradox game that requires you to buy a fucking DLC to apply.

Or maybe just quit bullshitting.

FFS, we’re talking about a relatively small developer/publisher that continually supports and develops most of their games for the better part of a decade (or more, like EU IV). I thought this shit is what people wanted but what it seems most gamers want is just any excuse to fucking whine.

Yeah, my thought is that this is a game they’ll be supporting for 8-9 years so what the fuck does it matter if it runs like dogshit on day one? Don’t fucking buy it until the performance increases and the problems you mentioned are ironed out.

It really is that simple.

Anyone that expected this game to be perfect on launch was clearly not around whenever Cities: Skylines launched. The performance was godawful to the point that I refunded it. A couple of months and a couple of patches later shit was cleared up and I repurchased it. Didn’t have an issue after that.

So yeah, the whole “Why doesn’t this brand new game not have the same performance and features as a nine year old game with numerous DLCs and mods?” thing is getting fucking tiresome.

What this basically means is that nobody that works for GNOME is presentable to the public and they need SOMEONE that’s showered in the past nine months to go out and raise money. ANYONE.

Or it means that the project is growing and they need to act like a fucking business and not a loose-knit association of nerdasses with zero actual business skills.

You know… the reason every fucking tech company has a CEO.

“I don’t understand why a business needs people that aren’t on the assembly line.” - You, showing the world your ass.

  • What ProtonDB says and what reality is differ quite a lot.
  • “Well you shouldn’t do that because I said so.” Irrelevant response.
  • Yes, there are numerous jank plugins that all half-work. CMYK support is only the tip of the iceberg and it’s enough to exclude GIMP from entire industries. I do not know why people keep mentioning Krita in the same breath as GIMP, given that it’s fully cross-platform and is specifically geared towards illustration. I can use it on Windows or Mac just as easy as Linux. That’s not a selling point for Linux, it’s an example of why Linux isn’t really needed in a given area.
  • I’m sorry, I thought we were talking about the average user here. That’s what people keep telling me in other responses. Since when did the command line matter to average users?
  • Well, you know, maybe if Windows was more popular Sony would make a driver for it. This excuse works for hardware that doesn’t work in Linux, so same should apply there.

You sound like the kind of imbecile that thinks “it’s open source, fix it yourself!” is a valid response to anything.

Are you even literate? Because you seem to be reading a lot of shit I didn’t fucking type.

Take your fucking meds, dude, and stop posting until you do.

No, you’re literally just being an elitist asshole that wants to swim in a sea of your own fartwater, free from anyone telling you that your shit stinks. This sort of attitude is the very reason Linux is still half-assed garbage for anything other than the most basic computing tasks or dedicated environments where a staff of people is paid to manhandle it.

If you don’t like reality, you fucking leave. Ketamine might help.

Yyyyup. Oh boy is just the beginning. By the end you’ll likely resemble a 2008 rage face, only with more blood and broken computer parts lodged in your spleen. Audio on Linux can be a bit… recalcitrant.