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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 08, 2022


This brings back some memories from years ago. Enlightenment was fairly popular at some point and I think the author “Rasterman” was employed at RedHat. Some Linux distribution may even have had it as the default ?

Yes, indeed. After posting this I did regret it later on.

cross-posted from: > - > - About the book : > - Book reading : > - Audio only version of the book reading :

Get Ready to 2024 Linux Display Next Hackfest in A Coruña! - Hosted by Igalia - May 14th to 16th.
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Did you check what the connections are about ? Maybe it is only checking for new updates ?

Yes, Waydroid uses lxc containers.

Did you do a sha256sum or md5sum checksum after downloading the iso file and after copying it to the Ventoy pendrive ? (Linux uses caching for copying. Taking the pendrive out before your system has done a “safe remove” can cause problems)

Indeed. GoboLinux is neat last time I tried it. Although it’s not clear to me how active its development is.

Take a look at the fog server project.


After not touching my desktop for several months, I now see that I absolutely hate Windows even more.

Welcome to the club :-)

Currently, I’m a student in Mathematics and Computer Science.

In that case I would certainly toy (but maybe not daily drive) with Nix or NixOS. Its concept is stunning. For daily driving Linux it depends on your hardware (x86 or arm). Debian is rock solid as daily driver on x86. If you need some newer software you can use Flatpak or the Nix package manager, or use distrobox or toolbox though beware of its drawbacks. Another good choice is Arch Linux. Since a while the install iso comes with an installer so that you no longer have to read documentation. The Arch Linux wiki is very often a superb source of information. But depending on your hardware there’s Asahi Linux :

To get some more Linux good vibes watch and listen to the BDFL /j

If you don’t mind reading a little bit and “work hard” to get some things done and “have fun” then I’d suggest to try :

  • NixOS (it can do magic!)
  • Arch Linux (easiest is the Arch based EndeavourOS and the shiny colorful Garuda Linux), learn some pacman and AUR.

Clonezilla and Rescuezilla The Clonezilla method takes a bit time to get used to (but I like it). Rescuezilla comes with a GUI.

Why is asking for feedback a bad thing? IMO it’s better than just being on by default, and still gives the developers an opportunity to at least get SOME useful feedback instead of all the people that screech about how telemetry should be banned entirely. I would bet money none of those people are professional developers.

Indeed. Programmers really love feedback to improve their applications. I bet that everyone who installs apps for iOS or Android from the Google Play Store will have lots of apps that have crash-a-lytics, or whatever it is called, installed.

There is a lot of Ubuntu hate and it is easy to go with that and repeat.

    1. The Amazon button on the Ubuntu desktop (I believe it was not in the Ubuntu flavors) was removed after criticism.
  • Ads in the terminal. I’ve only seen those when using ssh to a server. Ads like the k8 server options of Ubuntu. No flashy jumpy colorful big ads but just small text.

Telling people that there is no difference between installing Ubuntu and Windows is kind of cruel imho. A fresh Ubuntu installation allows the new Linux user to learn Linux and after some time they can decide to go for Arch Linux, Debian (The install is not that easy as with Ubuntu for a beginner Linux user), MX Linux or whatever they prefer.

Welcome to the penguin party! 🐧

Since I haven’t found that here, I thought I’d add a comment to see if it’s just me. And I wanted to check to see if there is an alternative forum for such conversations.

Maybe a shell, bash, scripting, or man page community. Idk.

Right. It’s in my opinion not so easy to find communities or finding people wanting to share the same interests. How about these ?

  • !
  • !
  • !

Is it just me that dislikes when packages are mentioned instead of a series of terminal commands? I don’t want to install a package. Why would I want to rely on a package and it’s maintainer when I could write a shell script using the tools native to my OS?

Yes, that’s just you and probably explains why you are on a programming Lemmy instance. Personally I like to use the terminal myself for reasons including starting some GUI applications but I am sure that most people (“normies”) would run away screaming if the first moment they would spot a terminal. See, everyone has their own preferences :)

Other commenter mentioned usbmount. Debian has a page on that which mentions pmount. The latter is packaged for Debian.

What Chinera is doing with dinit and turnstile is really interesting. It would be nice to have feature comparable approaches to the systemd monolith that distributions could choose from.

Link for other readers about Chimera Linux, dinit, turnstile :

Sure, sudo is a setuid binary, but it’s a fairly simple program, and at some point, you have to trust the code.

Have to trust the code ? doas for OpenBSD was created because of issues with sudo.

Talking with deraadt and millert, however, I wasn’t quite alone. There were some concerns that sudo was too big, running too much code in a privileged process. And there was also pressure to enable even more options, because the feature set shipped in base wasn’t big enough.

You don’t have to install Linux if you are not ready for it. You can test it without installing by using Linux live distributions. With Ventoy you can have 10 or 20 different Linux distributions on one USB stick and test them to see how well your laptop works with it and which flavors you would prefer.

If you want to test several Linux distributions Ventoy can be useful. You can have 10 or more different Linux distributions on one USB stick depending on the size of the stick. This will also save you time “flashing” an image iso to the stick each time because with Ventoy you’d simply copy the image iso files to the stick, quick and easy. - Garuda Linux “Bird of Prey” (240428) released.

Agree about nmtui. Nice tool.

  • According to this WiFi should work with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 Bit Did you install 24.04 or 22.04 ?

  • I’d expect most USB devices to work out of the box. Did you try : sudo dhclient ?

Easiest is probably to perform an installation that comes with a GUI. If the default Ubuntu installation iso is too large, there’s for example Lubuntu.

toLinux@lemmy.mlLix - a new fork of Nix

The announcement resolves one of my last fears for Aux: development on Nix itself. It is no secret that the number of people knowledgeable about the project and are willing to work on this CPP codebase is small. You have probably seen me mention multiple times by now that @sig_cli needs all of the help that we can get. Lix resolves this entirely with a trusted team of experts. This means that Aux is now able to remove Nix development from our priorities and can instead collaborate with Lix moving forward.

Lix - a new fork of Nix ~ This isn’t just a fork of Nix—this is the work of a team of 10+ people near-constantly since early February. (Technically, us too — but our task is really just enabling others.) Some serious work has gone into ensuring it improves on upstream without having the regressions that have plagued them last three major versions! And, since this will matter to some — it’s not a project of the NixOS foundation, but an independent organization that takes its responsibility to its community seriously.

  • Thanks for the reminder!

Note: archlinux-2024.05.01-x86_64.iso should be run in GRUB2 mode to work. See Ventoy issue #2825.

The screen shot has a document Xubuntu -> Chicago95 open which appears to be related to this :

There used to be wicd as alternative for NM but its development is stalled. There is ConnMan though with apparently GUI and TUI options :

According to this Samba 4.16 removed the support for the old SMB1 Protocol.

Looking here : you can see the difference between Jammy and Noble : 4.15 -> 4.19 So it looks like you’re out of luck with fast and easy solutions. Maybe downloading the older Samba package and its dependencies and downgrade and then put the package on “hold” is maybe possible. During such an attempt using aptitude instead of apt could be helpful.

- -

It can be, but for that, I would rather recommend Aurora or Bluefin. They are almost the same, but without gaming stuff.

Both links in your comment rendered invalid. Providing the correct links for other readers, based on the README from :

Stunning - EDIT: The Android and Dillo browser part I meant!

Dillo browser’s original project goal was to provide a web browser for people with slow Internet connection.

Here some screenshots of Dillo browser on a phone and how the developer did that :

Why ? Don’t you geddit ? :) (Guess cause languages and dialects)

Dillo 3.1.0 finally released after 9 years!
cross-posted from: > Dillo is a fast and small graphical web > browser with HTTP, HTTPS and FTP support. > > Other protocols like #Gemini #Gopher and #Spartan are available via plugins. > > Dillo is on Fediverse : > UPDATE, available on Arch Linux now :

I prefer to use debs (apt) for most packages and just a few Flatpaks. Avoiding snaps (Among others because I find the Snap Store too messy) and I do not bother with AppImages. But if you (OP) would need certain software that is only available as AppImage then go it.

Note that ext4 is damn old

Hmm ? Linux kernel is way older than ext4. And before ext4 there was ext3 and ext2. Linux users also have the choice of using XFS file system and for IT persons working for corporations XFS can have some advantages. Let’s see, XFS was born in 1993.

more modern ones like btrfs or bcachefs

Years ago I thought that bcachecfs looked interesting but last thing I read about it this year was not very promising regarding reliability. Not sure whether it was in comments on Lemmy but here I found something from Linus himself :

  • The city where I live in has several few Little libraries that people have in their garden or hanging at the wall of their home. And I know that other cities have them as well. Today I went biking and brought back two books and I was pretty sure that I did not want to take any because I have more than enough to read, but I noticed an interesting book and took it home. This is something you can do yourself. Build a small wooden box, and have other people put or take books. You don’t have to do this yourself, you could ask friends, family and co-workers to help you build it or ask them to provide such. Then you could take a little bit care of it and promote the idea.

  • What I like about bigger cities are public parks. I like to go to parks and just sit, listen to birds, enjoy the green and in Springtime, Summer and Autumn enjoy the colors.

  • Public libraries here have magazines and books to read for any visitors. I’ve learned about open source software thanks to the Internet but also a little bit thanks to public libraries. I find that reading paper books or magazine can also be a nice break from staring at a screen of a device.

Cheat sheets - awk, curl, lsof, find and more

Yesterday I passed a barbershop and saw ads on their wall outside of men with beards and short hair. It is a [revival]( or saving electricity ?

tl;dr : - Hexchat IRC client app development [stopped]( - Linux Mint team was building IRC client to replace Hexchat - The team tried Matrix and liked it - Linux Mint’s communication channels are moving from IRC to Matrix - The desktop app will be named Matrix to avoid confusion

And how can this be improved ? Should "normies" be pushed into RTFM or ELI5 ?

NixOS forked

With great power comes great responsibility - What happened between 1993 and 2004 and sudo ?
Today I [learned]( that the third line in the sudo warning was only added in 2004. Is there perhaps a clear event of history facts or cultural changes between 1993 and 2004 that made the software developers add that line ? - For instance a (silly?) made up example : Monty Python became very popular on TV in some countries where the software developers lived and improved critical thinking for some. ![](
fedilink Not directly related to this blog post but from NixOS discourse forum, a tl;dr from [another person]( about the NixOS drama here : > > > If you’re looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is: > > Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power > > Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn’t like > > Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and establishing systems with explicit authority > > This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the community > > Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company’s community as a substitute for Nix community > >

Did you choose for Linux for freedom or …
for [gratis]( or other reasons ? - Have you been a distro hopper ? - What is your favorite Linux distro ? EDIT : Thanks for all the comments so far. Heartwarming really!

A BSD person tries Alpine Linux
More comments to read :

Why is my CPU usage always 100%? (Upgrading my Chumby 8 kernel part 9)
Some tl;dr takeaways : > I was shocked that nobody had ever noticed this bug in the mainline kernel, but that’s what happened. I guess to be more accurate, the OLPC project did notice it at one point, but since they had a workaround it wasn’t a huge deal. I decided to go ahead and fix the underlying problem. > I first submitted my fix for this problem in September 2022, but I didn’t receive any responses. I ended up resubmitting it later that year and CCing the main SoC maintainers the second time, and they took care of merging my fix. It was finally released with Linux 6.2 and was also backported to several 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x kernels. Ever since I implemented this fix, I haven’t noticed any problems with CPU time reporting on my Chumby. > It was very satisfying to be able to fix the problem! The time I spent was totally worth it too. I learned all about how procfs works and how top gets its info about CPU usage. I still feel like I know almost nothing about the internals of the Linux kernel, but solving a problem like this was a fantastic way to dip my toes into it.

help the developer of sway notification center out? - accessibility
Is anyone free to help the developer of sway notification center out? I have opened an issue about sway notification center's accessibility regressions in the notification list, and I have also suggested that when the notification appears, the accessible event is fired. The dev doesn't know how to do this however, so any input or PR's that mention this issue would be greatly appreciated! If we get this sorted, we will have a fully accessible notification daemon for all wlroots based compositors, which will soon include XFCE. This could be the Wayland equivalent of notification-daemon for X11, but even better if the GTK notification centre list can be fixed up too. #Linux #accessibility #a11y

kdeltachat - DeltaChat desktop client built with Kirigami
This is DeltaChat desktop client but not with the default Electron. Compile instructions for Debian, Arch Linux and openSUSE. One Linux distribution has this packaged : NixOS, package name [kdeltachat-unstable]( The software developer is also active in the DeltaChat forum. Posting this here to give this project some more attention cause it would be nice to see less Electron and more Kirigami (or Tauri ?).

open letter to the NixOS foundation

Why do I have to agree with USA law when installing Fedora or openSUSE ?
Debian or Arch or Ubuntu never ask for my confirmation ? Example : You acknowledge that openSUSE Leap 15.3 is subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the “EAR”) and you agree to comply with the EAR. You will not export or re-export openSUSE Leap 15.3 directly or indirectly, to: (1) any countries that are subject to US export restrictions; (2) any end user who you know or have reason to know will utilize openSUSE Leap 15.3 in the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or rocket systems, space launch vehicles, and sounding rockets, or unmanned air vehicle systems, except as authorized by the relevant government agency by regulation or specific license; or (3) any end user who has been prohibited from participating in the US export transactions by any federal agency of the US government. By downloading or using openSUSE Leap 15.3, you are agreeing to the foregoing and you are representing and warranting that You are not located in,under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list. In addition, you are responsible for complying with any local laws in Your jurisdiction which may impact Your right to import, export or use openSUSE Leap 15.3. Please consult the Bureau of Industry and Security web page before exporting items subject to the EAR. It is your responsibility to obtain any necessary export approvals.

[Solved!] How to change the default homepage in qutebrowser ?
Solution : - `:set` - In this list of options find the entry with the default DDG and change it - `:save` The reason I had trouble starting to find the solution is because qutebrowser is not using a configuration file by default (from version 1.0 or something onward) and I got lost in the qutebrowser help which has countless entries. Thanks to the Arch Linux wiki I figured out more.