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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 10, 2023


Unless you both use exactly the same config files… Which is the point of nixos… Everything is versions locked. If you have a working config you can give it to your buddy and build it and it’ll work the same way

Technically no, both use kvm virtualization which is included in the Linux kernal, so both are “bare metal hypervisors” other wise know as class 1 hypervisors. Distinctions can be confusing 😂

A bare metal OS is an OS running outside of a hypervisor. Virt-manager is a class 1 hypervisor that allows you to host guest operating systems. ( Run vms )

Is there a rule to make sure when you open a window on one virtual desktop or on one screen it stays on that screen and doesn’t try to open on your current desktop? Sometimes I try to switch desktops before an app has launched and it opens up right where I’m trying to do something else.

Honestly I get more preformace on nixos than I have with other distros

I’ve been using it with gnome and nixos and it’s been fine. No crashes pretty stable good preformace

I meant flatpak, I have a bad habit of replacing words I’m typing with words I’m thinking

Yeah it’s stable, as long as you aren’t messing with the core of things you’ll be good. Gaming isn’t the worst on most systems but it can still be a challenge. And if you have a laptop trying to set up your GPU so it won’t destroy your battery can be a challenge. Those are really your only pitfalls though. If you just want to install it browse the Internet, code, do office stuff it will work perfectly. If you start trying to do anything too fancy there is a possibility of running into unstableness from misconfiguration

Ok now do inches to miles, what about distance bigger then those measured in miles what now? Try miles to yards without looking it up what about measurement smaller than a 1/16 of an inch? What are we just gunna start using even smaller fractions? 1/1000 of an inch? or would it be some arbitrary unit called a speckle or something that’s 18/29382 of an inch?

And no one makes their one rulers except physics labs, and maybe ruler manufacturers.

Metric has more precision due to its definition based on a universal constant. Imperial could have that to but it doesn’t shake it’s weird conversions. Yes they are easy if you are doing surveying work but there’s a reason scientists use metric. It’s much easier to check and use especially when dealing with scientific notation.

Also fun trick for feet to miles is 5-tomatoes = 5 two 8 Os

Now let’s do kilometers Oh wait it’s literally just it’s name 1000 meters


Very precise so when you measure something you get it’s length so that it’s length can be compared to other objects. And portable so that other people who don’t have access to your specific ruler can fashion a ruler of their own that will give measurements that are the same length as yours

An error of several inches in any real world use case for a measurement system could very well end in disasted.

And from inches to foot, foot to yard and foot to mile.

Metric is easier to remember conversations, easier to use, and is way more portable and precise

I mean it’s not really about as big of a persons foot though is it. It’s just it’s name, measurements are meant to portable and precise with a real definition. Not just about the size of someones foot who’s foot? Your foot? My foot? Those are probably off by several inches. Plus conversions are huge pain in the imperial measurement system which can lead to huge issues.

e: your opinion on measurement systems lowers my trust in your other opinions

I like it, it’s good for desktop apps but I LOVEEEEEE nix, if there was a graphical box distro I think it would beat everything else out of the water. Full reproducible builds is not something to sneeze at

Its worked great for me, I switched a couple months ago. Getting nvidia working was a breeze.

I second everyone else dont use manjaro. As someone who was in a similar position to you, I started with mint just to toy around with it. Personally I’d recommended fedora, or Ubuntu (fedora over Ubuntu). I didnt stick with mint long though, eventually I just took the deep dive and installed arch as my daily driver which I wouldnt recommend unless you have time and energy to tinker with what us broken. If your uncomfortable with using Linux full time try duel booting that way you have windows as a back up system in case you bork something. If you have any questions feel free to DM me. And remember flatpak is the linux beginners best friend.

Decent, with proton I can play most games with no issues