• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


My ex broke up because I revived an important problem that was a month old, but she eskalated and broke up. Didnt hurt as she had too many red flags she couldnt fix.

We had a hotel that couldnt be canceled and I was alone with it and payed it alone too. I talked about this issue in a discord dating server and a Person DMed me.

We both also talked how we both dont want a reltationship in future after having both similar issues. But somehow, we both were too attractive and had the best sex in our both’s life. We also are very similar and tend to be the person who we dreamed of to have as a partner.

Now life goes on and we are a bit too far away, still. After University we plan to come together and meet every vacation for the best sex again.

I was accepting and embracing the void with the addition to focus on myself and isolate a bit. I loved the idea to finally be able to focus on myself only, but got the love of my life instead.

I still can focus on myself easily for some reason. Other relationships dragged my entire focus onto them as I always had problems that I wasnt allowed to talk about. But with her I easily can talk about anything

One family does that. And while they have a house, they never have enough money for something.

Oh yes, I hate this and it happens often. But slowly less after trying to be more fit.

Hmm yes.

The floor is made out of floor

I never said it wont have issues. Just a few less FPS without noticing.

I purchased the Star Labs Starlite and am hyped. It holds long and is x86.

I wanted to have a convertable to also draw which makes it perfect for me and making me write this comment. Maybe its irrelevant to you. Starlabs also has a normal Laptop I think but I have no experience with both.

Currently with my chromebook duet 3 I can’t really code without making it freeze or unable to execute code because its ARM.

I remember that thr kernel didn’t had performance flags set and used, making NixOS not a nice Gaming platform.

Is this true? Can I fix it for myself easily?

I remember that thr kernel didn’t had performance flags set and used, making NixOS not a nice Gaming platform.

Is this true? Can I fix it for myself easily?

I remember that thr kernel didn’t had performance flags set and used, making NixOS not a nice Gaming platform.

Is this true? Can I fix it for myself easily?

I remember that thr kernel didn’t had performance flags set and used, making NixOS not a nice Gaming platform.

Is this true? Can I fix it for myself easily?

Well, I liked learning about the ethics some religions have like budhism and so on.

But I totally agree with that when I see various countries being controlled by religion.

But they also eat my nectar. I dont like it

(I didnt knew it, thought that they could die without consequences)

Disney had a broken tracker that didnt made the page load when the agent was Linux

Omfg. I was so happy that linux allows me to turn this feature off to play whatever game.

Windows doesn’t allow this at all (but maybe new hardware, I stopped buying and using Windows Laptops)

Well, for me at least Plasma 5.27 did work fine

Plasma 6 has so many fucking bugs. Holy shit it drives me crazy.

One thing is, that when starting Apex Legends, all Windows just suddenly start to loose the understanding on whether they should go below or over a Window when focused. They suddenly go below other windows when focused.

Sound System Notification sound too loud? Well, shit for you, you can’t make it quieter now.

Having two monitors with each a panel on the bottom? After a suspend and wake up, its possible that your main panel or right one just goes inbetween those two Monitors.

But what benefits do you get. At the end it lands on your real audio card anyways

Focus the rage at something that is fixable. Good idea actually.

“The blurry one” bro, which one is blurry or sharp. You never said left or right and assume we persieve things like you do

The last part you mention is not a comparison how it is better but rather to put the idea away that its hard to install nvidia drivers on Linux

I often get shattered by windows users how hard it is to install Nvidia drivers or get it to work.

Like. Idk why they are like this or how I should tell them otherwise. But they will give me a response of their experience as proof of how hard it is.

I mean. Its even pteinstalled on some distros so wtf.

For having an empty scene with nothingness. Ye. Thats too much.

Another one commented that its 160kb for a native app. So damn. I guess I need to learn how to do native then.

But generally scrolling through F-Droid, I see many useful apps that are below 10mb or even below 5mb with many features. Which is why I see Godot apk files as too large. But yeah, its a game engine for games. With a good UI designing feature too.

Not really, they sued a group of students because they forked it.

So, no, not really.

But compared to one of those. Who did the biggest impact?

I dont know them and maybe they made a much greater impact.

The difference I see is that Lemmy mods have all the tools they want as they can code or request tools. Help the community for free and support something they love.

Meanwhile on Reddit, you cant have shit, get to see how greedy the ceo is and see your community crumble as more and more bots are coming afaik. The fact that they want to profit off of you makes you feel more like thats not right.

Same, I just dont get why I got so many downvotes.

I had issues with my Nvidia gpu and Wayland Desktops.

Especially with the new Steam Big Picture mode both Linux and Windows being laggy.

AMD on the other hand had one issue in Windows where my friend told me to reinstall the drivers because the second Monitor couldnt be detected at random times when rebooting.

On Linux on the other Hand… zero issues. Literally. I am satisfied how good it works compared to trashy Nvidia having constant issues. Even on Windows I had issues with Nvidia because you need to sign in and download the drivers. Sometimes there is an update and you never know, and wonder why your game doesnt work. Well, because you need the newest update suddenly. Not with AMD on Windows. And on Linux. You dont even need to install amything. Mostly preinstalled Mesa drivers but I am not that certain.

Why Ubuntu?

Its literally the worst Linux

Is there a community on Lemmy to help find the right community on Lemmy?
I often want to ask for official reddit replacements or similar/same ones but don't know at which sublemmy (community, which word is more appropriate?)

Did anyone try Half Life Alyx on Wayland?
Not sure if its XWayland but the vision stutters a lot while everything else is smooth. Also X11 seems unusable for some reason on KDE because I get a lot of glitchy artifacts (and Direct Mode seems to be enabled) Edit: Using an AMD 6750xt with i5-8600k on Arch Linux with KDE Wayland