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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


You cannot let or forbid a 16yo to use stuff. You can only decide whether they will do it in the open or in hiding. Personally I’d rather have them talk to me about it than hide it from me.

The only thing we know without a proof is that they might be doing it. We don’t have a proof they do it but we also don’t have any proof they are incapable of doing so. A reasonable course of action would be to take precautions against it while not condemning them either, until they are either proven actually guilty or actively unwilling to up their security, which would also strongly imply the former.

Until it’s proven the data is E2E encrypted, it’s a fair assumption it can be read by a 3rd party, either now or in the future. E2EE is the only proof that matters, everything else is just a corporate “trust me bro”.

Looks like a boring update but being boring is kinda the thing I appreciate in GNOME. It’s all about expectations.

Making quality tools due to long-standing processes is definitely a different breed of tradition than oppressing minorities because they don’t fit someone’s “traditional” worldview.

To better illustrate my first post: The Victorinox craft isn’t high quality because it’s a tradition. It became a tradition because it’s high quality. If we subtract it being a tradition, we still have a reason to keep making it this way. The same cannot be said about oppressing people, unless one literally views human suffering as value added.

I think there is some confusion between tradition and well-tested processes. I’d hardly consider creating quality products a tradition.

A mixture of NixOS and Debian, depending on the machine. NixOS is trivial to maintain and to keep predictable and tidy. When its weirdness is a problem, Debian is my answer. It doesn’t get more normal than Debian.

If you’re asking about a personal opinion: any policy purely based on tradition is worthless. Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people. Just like any peer pressure, it’s highly unlikely to produce anything but grief. If something is based purely on tradition without any other reason to exist, it’s unlikely to be an optimal policy.

Back to the initial question. I don’t think we can get infinitely progressive but we can keep subtracting the cruft of tradition until there is no necromantic peer pressure left at all. Mind that if something happens to be a tradition but still has a good reason to exist, it should be evaluated like any other idea in terms of being good or bad. I mean removing just one of the reasons to keep this idea. If it is left with zero reasons, it’s out. Otherwise it’s fair game.

It doesn’t use the system libraries, unless the system in question is NixOS. It still provides its own dependencies. Arguably in a more elegant and less wasteful manner, but they are still distinct from the ones used by the rest of the system.

EDIT: typo

In terms of the memory usage, it’s a reasonable approach these days. It gets hairy when we consider security vulnerabilities. It’s far easier to patch one system-wide shared library than to hunt down every single application still bundling a vulnerable version.

Are screenshots even still considered evidence? They should be absolutely trivial to manipulate.

You can already use Tesseract to run OCR on any image. It’s a matter of tying it together with a screenshot tool with cropping capabilities and it should be very easy to use.

If you’re okay with paying for it, Kagi is great and respects the user privacy.

Can you summarize their reaction to BG3? You got me intrigued.

There is no “best WM”, only “best WM for you”. If you’re deep enough into this rabbit hole to install an alternative WM, at this point you’re the best judge of what’s the best, really.

I swear, soon the terms “fediverse” and “federated” will get muddled up like when people have been saying “open source” when they mean “free (as in free beer)”.

So first you claim it’s all lies and didn’t happen, only to follow with “This was only one incident, and hopefully it won’t be repeated elsewhere”? Which one is it then?

Maybe you’re right, the jump from pure GUI to the Windows CLI is probably a much bigger paradigm shift than between these two CLIs. I was mostly worried about OP getting discouraged from ever dabbling in CLI due to the Windows one being terrible.

Well, more power to them then! Ernest can then merge back the changes at his own pace, so everybody wins. Forks don’t need to be treated with hostility.

I’m an Emacs graybeard, so complex keybindings don’t scare me. My problem with ncmpcpp is twofold:

  1. It relies on MPD which is always a PITA to properly configure. Pulseaudio always managed to make it not work on a fresh system. Hopefully with Pipewire it’ll be better.
  2. The config format make no sense whatsoever. Especially the one with keybindings. It’s so cryptic I just stopped trying to understand it. Again, I’m an Emacs graybeard, to stress it as a point of reference.

MPD + ncmpcpp, I hate both and I’m yet to find anything better.

If someone claims to do it for “all the optimizations”, you can immediately assume they are full of shit. If anything, the true gain is the control over the features to compile or not compile into your packages.

The answer is “currently no”, and that might change. Just like with jaywalking.

Originally jaywalking also wasn’t a ticketable offense. Do you know the origin of this term? That’s the parent poster’s point.

Ah yes, let me sideload a 3rd party web browser onto my PC.

Yes, linking the religious leadership of the inherently strongly hierarchical belief systems with these belief systems sounds very reasonable to me.
I have an impression we agree on the reasoning, just not on the details and the conclusions from these details. At this point we’re arguing the semantics of whether the religious people rejecting their religious leadership still belong to the same religion or rather they invented their own religion distinct from the original one. In other words, whether the leadership is an inherent part of their religion.
Do I have that right that apart from the above we’re pretty much on the same page?

If she still considered herself a Muslim, then what happened to her was perfectly in line with her claimed worldview. She can only ever see herself as a victim by rejecting her religion. She probably wasn’t conscious of it but at this point I’d say she was already an ex-muslim, it’s a matter of a therapist making her aware of it (assuming she’d be rescued in time!).

Prey (2017), Monster Hunter, Stalker, Dark Souls. All great games that only show their true self after some time investment. Not too ridiculous time investment apart from Monster Hunter which gets really fun literally only after a few tens of hours, maybe even a hundred. I wish I was kidding.

So it’s really a slippery slope of customer rights!

No, I didn’t. Looks interesting. Not something I’m looking for right now but I’ll keep it in mind.

Yes and no. It’s much better suited for desktop applications. Try to run something playing audio in Docker. It’s doable but not pleasant in any way.

Fair enough, let me rephrase. I’m willing to negotiate about ads, the exact boundaries yet to be discussed. My privacy and my data are absolutely off limits, especially if they’re gonna pretend it’s not even about these.

I expect the Flatpak sandbox to protect my ~/ from getting cluttered by applications, not to protect me from any actually malicious software. The post’s premise seems misguided.

I’d be fine with ads, but Google’s policy is only superficially about ads. They want surveillance and user profiling, not ads. Ads are just a way to deliver these. Over my dead body.

I’m not familiar with this Lunduke person, can you direct me to some context?