I’m Henry

I do some stuff sometimes

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 01, 2023


I think the more peers there are the faster it is.

I wonder if IPFS could have a part in this? We’ll find a solution.

the ccc (civilian conservation corps) man... they were huge

I’m a diehard firewatch fan if you’d like a slightly spooky, heart full, storytelling masterpiece about the Wyoming forest. Everyone should play this game at some point.

This is a point I’ve not seen brought up. Anyone who wants to is already able to (and maybe are) using my data for all sorts of things, including training LLMs.

Every time I see this reposted I smile. It’s so well written and perfectly sums up my feelings on the internet.

How different is that than buying 100% fruit juice from the supermarket? Like does it really taste different.

This title is a little misleading. No, Trump has not been arrested but he did appear in court. He is not in any form of jail (yet).

True. I’m definitely not their target audience. SearXNG is great bc if configured right I get great results that aren’t too cluttered. I’d rather have it hosted by someone I can trust (a friend of a friend runs the instance I use) and not have to worry about it. I’m not against payed services but I do hate subscriptions except for when they’re truly necessary.

I understand that it’s a lot of work but I’m sorry, a starting plan of $5 per month is WAY to much. I’ll just use searxng.

Of course we would have to fix that major issue with all of America. Car centric cities are simply terrible.

Kind of like the Japanese vending machines. I think those kind of thing are awesome (and practical if you need a fast bite) and would love to see them in America more.

Cinny: My favorite Matrix Client
IMO it's just so much more usable than any other client. Also looks way better.

cross-posted from: all over the fediverse (I think this is probably an okay place to post this, lmk if not) Looking for collaborators to create a new instance of Lemmy. Among other things this instance will differ from existing ones by having a self-governing structure. Check out the very rough draft linked below to learn about my current vision for this community. Much on the doc will change based on other people's ideas. This community's goal is for it to belong to the community. No specific skills needed, but please read through the concept outline before getting in touch. Any type of contribution is amazing. You just have to be interested. Join me in creating a unique and innovative platform.

Anyone want to help me “Create a safe, self governed community (lemmy instance) that fosters discussion around both OC content and shared links”
cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/493388 cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/493386 (I think this is probably an okay place to post this, lmk if not) Looking for collaborators to create a new instance of Lemmy. Among other things this instance will differ from existing ones by having a self-governing structure. Check out the very rough draft linked below to learn about my current vision for this community. Much on the doc will change based on other people's ideas. This community's goal is for it to belong to the community. No specific skills needed, but please read through the concept outline before getting in touch. Any type of contribution is amazing. You just have to be interested. Join me in creating a unique and innovative platform.

What are your opinions on nostr?
cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/432170 > It seems like an actually good alternative to activitypub. What are your thoughts?

Open Source Low Tech develops cheap, easy to build, and open source infrastructure solutions
cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/430211 > " My name is Daniel Connell. I prototype and develop basic technologies which anyone can make using recycled materials and simple tools. > > The aim is for everyone everywhere to be able to build and maintain their own infrastructure; producing their own energy, food, clean water, communications, and anything else they need."

Super neiche communities. I will never be able to fully switch until I can get them. Also shitposting to the degree that reddit has. I get that others may thoroughly hate it but I find it hilarious.

I think the broader question may be how lemmy could appeal to more users that aren’t just redditors who value privacy. (Though the same could be said for all FOSS tech)