• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


What foods can last 3-4 days without refrigeration?
I'm going to be camping for 4 days at a location without easy access to fire (hence no boiled water). As such, I'm going to be packing a bunch of canned stuff for my daily meals. The place is in England, where we're expecting a few hot days this week and maybe some rain over the weekend. However, I have some free time before the trip to cook food. But I'm not sure if there's any good foods I could bring along that could keep for 3-4 days without a fridge. I guess that crosses out most meat dishes. Some ideas I had were: falafel, fritters, bread, calzones, pasties. Have you tried taking such foods camping and if so, did they last a few days without spoiling? Are there any other foods you'd recommend? Thank you so much!

Hey! You can also post this to !beatles@sopuli.xyz if you fancy :)


I want to say this makes me happy but who am I kidding, the Met’s obviously saying this to justify demanding more police funding.

Great. I don’t know enough to use either but I think I’m going to try lean on podman from the get go. In any case, I know that all podman commands are exactly identical to Docker, such that you can replace, say, docker compose with podman compose and move on with ease.

Noob question: How much RAM does my VPS need if…
I plan to have the following services running concurrently on it: * A VPN (OpenVPN or Wireguard) * A very lightweight personal website * A Nextcloud instance (25GB storage max) * A Vaultwarden instance * An Invidious instance * A Matrix server * A Lemmy instance I'm unsure if these would be private or public instances. But I'd be curious to hear any thoughts on how much more space I'd need for public instances too, if you'd have a sense of that. I currently have a VPS with 2GB RAM + 50GB storage. Would that be enough? Thanks in advance!