Linux is supreme

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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Feb 09, 2024


I believe argiculture and trade were massive parts of history

I’ve gotta agree, electricity is the base for the majority of technology today.

I’m saving this for when I have more time to write a response

True but that dude is “from Alberta” so it’s a possibility that he’s living in quebec… that’s just a theory however

If it’s really sensitive shit, you should beat the shit out of it with a sledgehammer and make sure you got all the nand modules(see diagram online), then throw parts of it into a large body of water, deeper the better

Summary by ai: In the mid-90s, a teenager delves into Unix and the internet through a borrowed college network account. He explores pirating software and mischief on IRC, where he meets a girl. Despite a rocky start, their relationship flourishes, culminating in marriage and celebrating their 24th anniversary. Their love story, born in the world of computers, endures over time.

CORRECTION: I meant to put elementary os at “Completely pointless” instead of “Maliciously bad”

Lots of people are opposed to smartphones but they are fine in my opinion as long as they get checked frequently and you don’t allow social media until a certain age.

It’s really not that hard you just need to start doing it and you’ll get used to it any time

use the terminal qemu noob (/s)

at first I loved garuda then I realized how bloated it is

If it has the following: -graphical file manager -graphical app store -“start menu” of some sort -graphical centralized settings app I use i3wm on gentoo or arch

any distro can do anything another can, itll be fine for gaming and has a massive community

Pretty much there’s very few players. In my experience the mods are also a bit too ban happy

Milking the heck outta this subject 🐄

Dude are you joking? I don’t need a graphical file manager for example. That’s bloat. If not having a graphical file manager causes nvidia drivers to not work, there’s a major issue. I don’t want anything but a terminal and a browser.

Oh I had to go into my bios to select debian. ITS ALIVE!!!

Thanks you, finally a non removed who doesn’t understand that arch isn’t installed through calamares or debian-install

It would be nice if it installed a bootloader, but bootloaders got left behind in 2022 when installing debian actually works for me

Debian itself never works. It fails to install a bootloader no matter what iso I use.

I hate ubuntu with a passion. It’s the most bloated linux distro, snaps are a terrible idea, it looks terrible, and linux mint is just the better option.