Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

  • 30 Posts
Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


I think that’s the issue. We’re all so used to the idea of free storage and we’re not cognizant of the consequences. If we start holding some of our chips in our own hands, all these corporations won’t be able to sell us out and abuse us so easily.

Also thank you!

I’m surprised that Slack beat Discord to it.

But yeah, you’re right. We need to invest our time, energy and support into self hosted solutions.

Without Western outsourcing, China would be economically like North Korea.


I have a feeling you’re on of those guys that thinks NK is Wakanda, though, so maybe that’s not as useful an analogy as I’d hope.

Ad hominem attacks, really?! Have a good day.

Further helping the Chinese? Come TF on and get real. When did America ever help China? In fact when did America help anyone? America got greedy and has sucked all of the possible profit they could from American industry, when they decided to outsource it.

It started off as raw materials and then became wholesale manufacturing and China quickly became very good at making all the things you felt you were too good to make and then became very good at the things you needed them to make and now they’re just all round very good at doing all the things that you stopped doing so a handful of executives could have a larger bonus.

Help the Chinese? You’re drowning in your own shit and demanding China save you like you’re doing them a favour. America, the UK, let’s just say, the West in general needs China more than China needs us and its because of greedy CEOs and politicians who only see things in the short term. The idea that you’re helping China is your propaganda, it’s not reality.

Google under Sundar Pichai is a terrible company that only succeeds based on its size and monopoly. Let’s be honest, they’re saying that search results will become secondary as they push their service. How do you, as a CEO and board, sign off on an idea that kills most of your (ad) revenue pursuing something that you haven’t even figured out how to monetize? Make it make sense.

Google will be sued again by the big publications and will pay out. But little independent publications will die as people get used to not leaving the search engine.

Google said, “yo, we heard you liked search, so we gave you AI with a slither of search and we will ram it down your throat until you feel like you can’t live without it, because walled gardens are the best and we can’t figure out a way to trap you in ours” 🥴

Postgres Updated
cross-posted from: > Apologies, I haven't figured out how to link to the changelog for this. But it's worth noting that Postgres, the database software updated today.

cross-posted from: > Document archiving

cross-posted from: > Critical bugfix to the photo management service.

cross-posted from: > The systemd of self hosted services. Files, calendar, contacts, etc.

It seems a few people are using them for more than just self-hosting, which is quite cool

Those man hours rack up, but I bet you still feel exhilarated when you get something working or fix something.

Realistically thinking, my domain name, email, VPN and IPTV are the only things I’m gonna be paying for in the next few months. If that came to £200 a month, I’d die 😭

You’re my favourite person of this thread so far. Way more information than I need, but the type of post you can come back to and learn things from over and over. Thank you.

What Are Your Recurring Costs?
I know it's a rude question, but it's been on my mind… I'm wondering roughly what I should be expecting to outlay when I finish my set-up? So I'm assuming it includes things like domain names, hosting for backups, email providers, VPN, etc. What's a good budget to set?

cross-posted from: > Photo backups and management

cross-posted from: > Document archiving

cross-posted from: > Music management

cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > Visual media management

cross-posted from: > Backups

The copyright law says that Musk cannot claim copyright while also claiming not to be accountable. That has nothing to do with users waiving their copyright, which has been the standard practice for all forum software since practically forever. It’s why prior to GDPR, their was nothing to motivate websites from deleting your posts and even that isn’t about copyright, it’s about privacy.

Users already relinquished their copyright rights when they signed the ToS.

cross-posted from: > Document archiving

RK suggests RockChip, which is likely to be ARM. But I haven’t watched the video yet.

We can’t even fork it as it’s not open source, just available source.

I’ve just seen the pricing. Wow! Thank the stars for self-hosting because that’s expensive as hell.

I’m not against them trying to finance themselves as long as they don’t cripple the self hosted version.

As for everything you’re automating. I’m jealous! I feel like I’m not doing enough.

cross-posted from: > Biggest takeaway… congratulations to Immich and Futo!

What are you using it for? I have like four automations and I feel like they’re all super basic.

Reading that has just brightened up my morning. That’s super bloody cool!

I just wanted to say thank you. This was such a kind and compassionate reply.

What do you use the GNSS stuff for? A quick Google told me it was like GPS?

Surprised people aren’t moaning about systemd being too big already and still wanting to do more.

[Resolved] Weird Permission Problem
This morning I was going through my usual routine of doing a docker pull and I saw that Paperless had an update. Upon checking the Github, I noticed that my version was a lot older than what's currently available. After a bit of digging, I realised that Linux Server deprecated their repository. Cool, no worries, let me switch to the new repository. I delete my Paperless and run the installer on the official repository and all was going perfectly. But I had a power cut. No worries, I go to the fuse box, reset the tripped switch and then manually pull in the Paperless directory to finish the installation. Only problem, I can't get it to work. I assume that something fucked up and so delete everything and try again. Only now, when it gets to creating the yaml files it says "no permission". I check the permissions and they're the same as everything else. Anyone got any idea of what's happening or how to fix it?

I'm really hopeful for virtual reality tech. When they figure that out I reckon it will revolutionize our world. This is a good step in the right direction, though obviously we'll all end up in pods/capsules.

As apparently, this move is made to target audiobook listeners and podcast listeners, can I recommend And also