I also run some bots:

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


If my fingers prune I’m going to die or something

oh wow that’s strange. I cannot imagine what they must have done in the nginx config to do that. I guess there isn’t anything you can do until fixes their IPv6 then. I just checked my logs and isn’t federating with my instance anymore. Thats very bad! Also explains the lack of content i’ve been seeing.
EDIT: Ok, nevermind is federating with me. I just connect to it over IPv6

ahh, I think this is because is down all the time from the load right now. if you unsubscribe and resubscribe when is back it might fix it.

If you know how to use greasemonkey there is a script to make lemmy look more like old.reddit here Personally, it fixed a lot of the UI issues for me.
What do you mean by 3? you shouldn’t need authorisation to join a federated community.

Yeah, I’m at a loss.

Nah, I can’t see any reason to make more than one account.

The file you downloaded is a compressed JSON file, it’s not something you can really just look at. But it contains all the data needed to build a nice UI around.
I don’t know what OS you are on but on linux you can run zstd -d -c file.zst | jq . and it will print everything in the file. It’s not really readable though. Also it doesn’t have any of the media content, only the text

I hate reddit. But it feels like the library of Alexandria burning down (yea I know). All those google search results and educational subreddits that are shutting down forever, and because they are too small reddit won’t force open them again.
A lot are in the pushshift archive, but that cuts of at 2022. Also, it doesn’t include a lot of the smaller subreddits.
I have had my PC running 24/7 with multiple VPNs to avoid rate limits downloading as much as I can before the API dies, but with some blackouts moving forward a day I have already missed a few.
Like many others, I would often add “reddit” to the end of my searches to get better results, half the websites on web searches now are either AI generated, copies or are completely AD ridden websites that ask you to turn off your AD blocker.

[Question] OVH vs hetzner for a cheap dedicated server
I don't know if renting a dedicated server goes against the point of selfhosting but whatever. Everyone seems to recommend hetzner on reddit because they are cheaper, but OVH seems to be much cheaper that hetzner for low end servers, especially the Kimsufi and So You Start ranges. This is the server I was looking at with OVH: CPU : Intel Xeon D1520 - 4c/8t - 2.2 GHz/2.6 GHz Memory : 32 GB DDR4 ECC Storage : 4 x 2 TB HDD SATA Soft RAID Public bandwidth : 250 Mbps Price: £26.66 per month. hetzner seems to start a lot higher with specs, but I don't need 64GB of ram and a 1Gb/s internet connection, The instance I am posting this from is the lowest spec kimsufi possible with an intel atom and 4GB of RAM and that is running lemmy and mastodon fine. Is there something else bad about OVH that I am missing? (other than the flammable servers)