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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


At my house, one figured out how to use my doggy door and kept raiding my kitchen trashcan at night.

That’s the article I read, but I still don’t see a mention that the insurance wound up paying. I don’t see any update beyond them trying to acquire the money for the treatments.

The story may have gotten an update. When I read about it, there was no resolution and the mom was trying to gofundme for some help and the hospital tried to get insurance to do it under the argument that they were born a day before the drug was cut from the list, and insurance still denied it.

The US hard up needs straight socialized Healthcare. Our model is complete shit.

Their story gets even more screwed up. The woman who had the kids’ health insurance (through her work, cause murika) cut this drug and others like it the day after the woman’s kids were born. Doctors ran tests on her twins and confirmed the issue 4 days later.

So if she’d have had her kids less than a week earlier, the insurance would have been forced to cover it. I practically find it hard to believe it was such a coincidence.

A set of baby twins that are going to slowly die over the next two years because the company that made a single shot cure wants to charge over $2,000,000 per dose and insurance won’t spend that much.

Oh yeah. Nothing like a painful death by drowning in a swamp pit that you led your horse/pet/friend into. Did not expect that to go down.

Oh, I chose to watch it all. It’s just that my parents allowed it. Lol

Oddly enough, the only thing that I ever remember getting nightmares about was an alien abduction movie called “fire in the Sky” that said it was based on a true story. That one kept me up at night.

Redditors have been showing up, and lemmy mods are behaving more and more like the very thing redditors wanted to leave reddit for.

I wonder how I would have turned out if more sheltered growing up. I think I was around 7 when i watched Childs play and Nightmare on Elm Street. Then here you are saying some flames killing a fake looking big rat might be too scary for kids.

Remember that old 80s future movie where a guy with no cyber mods was trying to compete in a fighting competition in order to prove that it was better to be fully human?

If you’re 40 to 60 years old, definitely Hot Tub Time Machine.

It’d still be a great movie if you’re out of that age zone, but if you were around to remember the 80’s it just hits that much better. It’s a fantastic comedy from beginning to end.

The black e ink version is 300ppi. The color ones are 150ppi, so half.

With those specs, there’s really nothing wrong with picking up a used gaming laptop for pretty cheap. A lot of gamers are notoriously careful with their rigs and many like to upgrade every couple of years. You can likely find a good 3080 laptop that looks brand new for cheap.

Heck, right now there’s a person near me with an Asus rog strix with a 14th gen i9, 4080 gpu, 32 GB of ram, and an 18" 240hz screen and he just wants $900 for it.

I had a LOT of reddit use over 15 years, but moved over here right after the API use fiasco caused my browsing apk I used to stop working. Between that and the general degradation of reddit over the last 5 years, it was time to jump ship. Found an apk called Thunder that works very similar to what I used on reddit.

Not a water person, but it might be the fire departments fault. If they use a hydrant upstream of you it flows so much water so fast that it can stir up some older stuff that’s been sitting in there a while.

I own a nice gaming PC. I just never really use it now that I have my SD. Veing able to game anywhere and immediately stop and start my game back up by just tapping the power button is exactly what I needed for gaming. As a “responsible” adult I don’t have a lot of undisturbed straight lengths of time to game at the pc, and if I only have 30 minutes, it’s like it isn’t even worth trying.

Back in its time it was an insanely popular movie and most everyone knew a few quotes from it, at least. That was one of the most remembered ones.


Tineco makes vacuum mops. I have the ifloor 2. It actually does a great job, but you have to clean it and take the roller off after every use. I also always run a dust mop over the floor first. Cleaning it is a bit of a pain, but I guess you can’t have everything.

I’m also convinced that most of the reviews of people who said theirs “broke after x amount of time” just never cleaned them. Mines simple and seems built pretty robust. Doesn’t seem like something that would just break. Not until the battery craps out.

I use my steam deck because I want to play on the couch or in bed or something and I can just instantly start playing when I pick it up. I’ll leave it suspended in a game, so I hit the power button and 2 seconds later I’m back to playing.

Some games still tick the box for me and make me enjoy gaming again. It’s usually not the massive triple A titles anymore, though.

So I’m a propane guy (I’m in the biz) but not a generator guy, so I’ll give my knowledge on best guess.

So your 500gallon house tank you never had issue with never ran a higher demand thing like a generator. They suck more gas. Not an issue with a 500g tank though (which when full holds 400 gallons). The liquid doesn’t have to quickly boil off to make more gas because there’s so much more room and the size resists the rapid temp swings from the phase change going from liquid to gas.

A 20 pound cylinder only holds about 4.6 gallons of propane (and that’s if they actually filled it all the way. Many will only fill them to 15 pounds). So your issue is as the number one (at this time, anyhow) poster says. The tank was having to convert so much propane from liquid to gas so quickly that it dropped the tank down to a temp too close to below the boiling point of propane, so there wasn’t the 10 or more psi of pressure moving to keep your generator running. Once the liquid gets down to about -30f you wont have enough gas pressure. So you’d have to keep your tank warmer, which isn’t really an easy thing to do without being dangerous.

What you need to do is get a bigger tank(at least if this is made to be a permanent generator and not a movable/temporary generator).Call around to some propane companies. You’ll probably find someone who will lease you a 330 gallon tank for like $75 a year and hook the system up, but they probably won’t do it if it is a temporary style generator. If that’s the case, get yourself a 100 gallon tank if you think you can load/unload it from your vehicle when you need to go fill it back up. The 100 gallon ones are just tall versions of 20 and 30 pound tanks. Same fittings and stuff.

Now to answer your question about fuel and how long it should last. Like I said before, a 20 pound tank holds around 4.6 gallons of propane. Propane has almost 3/4 the energy as gasoline. So a 20 pound tank (if filled all the way and not just filled to 15 pounds) should last about as long as however long a bit over 3 gallons of gas lasts.

But did they have anything or selected listed that they were from Europe, I wonder? Like, I tend to bounce around on my ip address with my vpn.

The 1950s had a great thing going. Once you hit $100,000 in a year, anything beyond that was taxed at about 90%. Nobody wanted to give the government 90% of what they’d be making, so no one did, and the 1950’s were absolutely booming for the US middle and lower class. You could afford a new house, car, and two kids at a job you didn’t need a college diploma for (or often even a highschool diploma) on a single income household.

Without having to pay ridiculous sums of money to the ceo’s and executives and whatnot, companies were just left with the option of using the funds to invest back into their companies and their employees instead going after pocketing as much money as quickly as possible.

Yep. I recall the same thing. More immune system stuff hangs out around your butthole all ready to woop some ass.

I would imagine writing down all of your ideas and a brief description, having them notarized, and keeping them sealed away somewhere for safe keeping would cover your grounds pretty well, and doing it that route would mean you wouldn’t have to disclose anything to someone who may have the idea to steal or “borrow” from any of your ideas.

It would be pretty hard for a company to claim you came up with something on their time when you have a notarized dated copy proving you had it before starting.

Industry experience in game lag? Ok. I guess I have 25 years experience starting with the original starcraft…

Look, man. Keep trying to spin things as hard as you can, but my wifi doesn’t lose packets, and “higher than the stack” hiding dropped packets is pure baloney, since that would still show a substantial increase in ping time. Stop trying to make yourself feel vindicated for buying expensive internet.

There is no packet loss on mine. If I ping 20 packets, I get 20 packets. 100%

I’ve stated to someone else, but there isn’t any packet loss. I can cmd line ipconfig a 20x ping to a server and not lose a single packet.

Also, losing a single frame is nothing. You aren’t getting shot when you wouldn’t have over 20ms.

Online shooters are always a no win situation anyhow, unless you happen to be one of the top 200 players of that game in your region. Outside of that all the games place you with a bunch of similar stat players. You don’t play with all random people. You get grouped up with people like you, so you never really get to even know if you’re “one of the best” players or if you’re worse than most. You either play them to be extremely competitive and you’re one of a handful of players good enough to actually be one of the best, or you’re just playing for fun. If you’re just playing for fun then 20ms is really, really, not important.

Suck it up. If the experienced nurses want you to do something a specific way then do it that way until you’re experienced enough at it to decide a different way. In other words, you should probably learn their way first, unless it’s a danger to self or patient.

I’ve been in my field for over 15 years and I’m still learning. There should always be something you won’t feel completely proficient at, yet.

The homeless guy in a box under a bridge has loads of leisure time. So do prisoners.

Leisure time may only be a good time if you’re doing something you enjoy while you have it.

Why do you possibly think that a states size has anything to do with where they place cell towers? Cities barely even care about what state they sit in. Hell, Kansas city is in two states. Cell towers are just put in populated areas. Not populated states.

Then my next question would be why you think a states size has anything to do with getting good 5g coverage and speeds?