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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Someone that is wildly happy with their life is not thinking how life is so terrible and evil.

This isn’t a zero sum game.

You can be happy and recognize that life is also terrible and evil.

Nick Drake.

Years ahead of his time and while he gets a lot of recognition posthumously in certain music circles, he didn’t have any hits during his life, or even any hits after, so the average Joe hasn’t heard of him.

All three of his albums are fantastic, though Five Leaves Left is my favorite.

The US has limited hard braking? What city do they live in?

I’ve been listening to the 1001 albums you have to listen to before you die list. (There’s a website that randomizes it and gives you an album a day).

I’m about 100 albums in. The grand majority are trash, that includes stuff by the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or Janis Joplin, etc. Just absolute garbage. One of two songs worth listening to and the rest is straight trash.

Albums as an art form died because it was never really a good art form to begin with.

While not impossible, it’s fairly hard to over season stuff.

I disagree here. Unless you’re used to overseasoned food already, it’s pretty easy to be heavy handed on the salt.

My issue is that if you don’t know what the article is about and it’s not a word/concept you know, there’s absolutely no chance of ‘winning’.

Well, I hate pineapple and putting it into things just kind of ruins the thing you’re adding it to anyway, so there’s that.

Okay, I’m trying to understand your argument here. Are you saying that pitbulls are being racially profiled and that information from other dogs aren’t being collected or that bites of the same severity by other dogs aren’t being correctly gathered or are bring suppressed? And, if so, what are the factors that should be taken into account when discussing dog bites or dog aggression?

omg… but…but… I… I remember the logo… changing… oh god.

Berenstein is classic though.

It Takes Two.

There’s a point where your characters brutally murder the only nice thing thing in the entire story while it’s begging for its life (your characters are pieces of shit, but the gameplay is good, so you can kind of ignore it). It happens to be the characters’ daughter’s favorite stuffed elephant.

Then your characters dance gleefully in their daughter’s tears and show no remorse at their daughter crying or any emotion other than woe is us, our brutal murder didn’t work.

Seriously, one of the most horrific things my husband and I have ever played through in a game. It made us feel sick. We stopped playing after that. The best thing I can do for that little girl is for her shitty ass parents to never waje up so she becomes an orphan. That’s honestly a better outcome for her than having to live with her shitty abusive parents another day. I only wish it had been earlier in the game so we could have gotten refunds.

I can’t believe they market that game to play with your kids and put that scene in it.

That’s really just a Tuesday when you’re already used to roleplaying.

Sierra On-Line

King’s Quest is still one of my favorite series ever and the one they put out a few years ago was a great retelling. I cried at the end.

Oh, you reminded me what I need to get my brother for Xmas.

My friends kids all just wear mismatched socks. Apparently that’s the thing to do these days.

100% down pillows never have enough rise to be able to stay level when I’m side sleeping. But I sleep on all sides so finding a pillow isn’t easy either.

There are two I use frequently.

Cutting the top off the chip bag after you eat down a certain amount so that the chips are easier to access.

Opening up the white ketchup cups to hold a greater amount of sauce.

Hrm, my sharpener has two ways to use it, one that takes material off and one that doesn’t.

My brother was recently diagnosed with type 1 at almost 50.

We are having a very quick crash course in it.

Eggs are great, but they’re not a fast/quick item to me. You can boil them in advance to have them on hand, but sometimes peeling can be annoying.

Well, I’m a morning oatmeal eater and my doctor, who is way too into nutrition ,is happy with it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We go over diet & blood tests every year.

Oatmeal. You can customize it to what you need and your tastes. It just needs liquid for the oats and whatever additions you want to do. I use chia seeds and flax seeds for protein & fiber, and add frozen fruit and vanilla soy milk. Microwave and enjoy.

Peanut butter, dried fruit, honey, fresh fruit, etc. are all good choices

I installed a mod that didn’t play super well with my other mods. It got me to finally say I was done.

For the main streaming services, I had Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+.

I cancelled Netflix back when they announced a price hike in early 2021? I’d been a customer since 2006.

Disney+ I cancelled a few months ago, but the plan goes through November, so we still have it technically. Not planning to renew.

Prime will get renewed, but I don’t subscribe to it specifically for streaming, it’s just included in the package.

For non-traditional streaming services, I still have a number of subscriptions on Twitch and with Subtember, I’ve gotten a bunch of 6 month subs to my favorite creators. Also given out gift subs to my favorite creators.

I also subscribe to Dropout and while my subscription is expiring in the next few months, I’ll certainly renew it for another year when I have time to binge Dimension 20 again.

I really don’t have any interest in streaming services that give traditional options anymore. Even before I cancelled Netflix, I could look in my recent connection history where it shows the five most recent logins and see timestamps going back 2+ years. I transitioned away from that kind of content a long time ago.

Too much sun has made me sick before. Like, just bright coming through the window has made me need to sit in a dark room for twenty minutes to stop feeling sick.

I like not feeling sick.

I also don’t like raw tomatoes, but cooked ones are okay.

I’d interpret ‘regular tomatoes’ as something non-heirloom.

Because they have a different contract for work not covered by the current strike? That seems kind of a weird take, especially since they thought the strike did apply to them originally and they shut down for several weeks until the lawyers got together and said, oh no, you have a different type of agreement.

It’s not like they changed or updated their contract to become exempt. SAG just went, oh, your business doesn’t fall into the terms of the strike so you don’t have to strike with the rest of us.

Yeah, we know WotC suck, but Larian is behind the game and they paid for a license to use the system and lore.

So why should we be pirating from Larian? Because they bought a license for a product?

Sync has a ton built in, so just a button click.

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