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Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


And plenty who don’t know you can GNU without Linux.

I don’t think so. Two paid upgrades in eight years.

  • Bartender 2 - September 2015
  • Bartender 3 - September 2017 (Free upgrade)
  • Bartender 4 - April 2021
  • Bartender 5 - Sept 2023

It works. End of thoughts.

I like to save them for a rainy day when I need an OCD fix.

Chicken and egg. The tuitions have been able to reach the insane heights due to the ready availability of these loans.

It was a lot harder to get loans thirty years ago. Almost on par with the criteria for any other personal loan. A four year CompSci degree that could be had for under $25K, in total, opened the door to a $45K to $60K entry level position for a typical graduate.

Availability of loans broke wide open, under the guise of providing opportunity, and now the same degree costs 5-10x with yet the typical entry level salary remains more or less the same, give or take a few inflation points.

Agreed. I’ve probably got 100 keys registered with GitHub and 98 of them the private key is long destroyed due to OS reinstalls or whatnot. Format machine, new key. New machine, new key.

Because every OS they ship with they need to support. Lenovo already has a viable, cost effective, support model for endlessos because they ship and support it for educational customers.

It’s not commercially viable for them support other OS that there is near no demand for relative to their overall sales.

Your assertions are not supported by industry analysis.

While this years survey is closed, the results haven’t been published. In last year’s survey, MacOS slightly edged out Linux, moving to second place.

Funny thing being that the only reason SONY is in gaming was to screw Nintendo. They had a hardware partnership that fell apart because SONY was putting the thumbscrews to Nintendo over revenue sharing. Nintendo said, you’re not the only one who can provide what we need, and dumped them. PlayStation was the direct result.

Aka PATA or IDE hard disks. Basically consumer grade kit.

The statement that the kernel would only ever handle IDE was basically a confession that this would never be a product suitable for enterprise or professional use where SCSI was the typical interface.

Don’t have a solution for everything but did want to mention that brew is as viable for Linux as it is for MacOS, except for casks. I tend to use an Ubuntu or Debian base layer and then use brew to pull in all the packages that I know I will always want later and more diverse options than what’s available in the distro, e.g. ffmpeg, Python.

Binary Sunset. Luke staring pensively out into the distance as he considers his place in the universe and where it may or may not go. I’d be staggered to find anyone who can’t relate to that.

A key factor is LINUX has been available for ARM since nearly “the beginning”. Unlike Windows, which was basically Intel only for well over a decade, LINUX has had strong support for multiple architectures throughout its lifecycle. As a result, software that grew up within that ecosystem tended to be more agnostic in design which helps porting efforts.

Relative to what? Relative to LINUX on Intel? Relative to Windows on ARM?

Only because I can read the whole thing significantly faster than Reddit.

They’re trying to avoid law enforcement and lawyers at their doors.

Even if you prevail, either can be a very expensive and/or destructive process.

Make no mistake, Reddit’s recent refusal to provide details surrounding users that were discussing piracy is highly unlikely to happen in the fediverse. Admins are going to get hit with a subpoena and comply because they can’t afford not to.

It’s not a component aware system. The last phase is generally the spin cycle. The controller knows to trigger the spin cycle, it knows to stop the spin cycle after a period of time. What it doesn’t know is whether those things actually happened. Particularly, it doesn’t know that the drum has actually stopped spinning. So, it just wait a predetermined amount of time before unlocking the door.

In the case of my own device the door actuator uses a wax motor. Put simply, current is changed to heat which melts the wax, pushing a pin the locks the door. To open the door, current is removed, the wax cools, hardens and shrinks and the pin slides back. Now the door can open. So, even if I remove power during a cycle the door will eventually unlock as the wax cools.

I pointed out that Google can be an echo chamber and have made no other comment, assertion or allusion.

Your response was, let’s say, verbose.

You’re so wrapped up you don’t even realizing that you’re speaking to a completely different person.

You can search anything on Google and find that it’s a very real and frightening problem. It’s the worlds largest bias-confirming echo chamber of that’s how you choose to use it.

Theoretically, yes. Practically, maybe not so much as a ton of these smaller instances are consolidated on a just a handful of hosting providers.

Been using Zenni for years. Hell of a lot cheaper than any brick and mortar and I’ve never had any issues.

There’s not even a way to count words at this juncture never mind anything resembling a rules engine.

That’s what I’m not understanding. Willing to pay what? They’re not paying commission because they don’t owe anything. It’s not a matter of price being high or low. Why would they pay for something that they don’t have to pay for? Their cost is zero.

Are you of the belief that devs get to say, “I’m poor, I can’t pay”. Can’t really understand what your comment is implying.

You don’t have right to free speech on the Diablo forums.

It’s rock solid. It also has a heavy emphasis on security. Numerous high-end network routers and security devices use it as the base operating system. Darwin, the open source foundation of macOS is also derived from it.

I’m going to get crucified for this… for a desktop end-user it’s basically Linux with completely different syntax, lesser hardware compatibility and limited support channels.

Least expensive is Virtualbox or UTM.

Simplest is Parallels.

Can’t say why your other posts were downvoted because we don’t know what they are. Possibly people thought you were scare-mongering

If this happened, you’ve been doxxed.

You never provided that info to Lemmy & it’s not stored in Lemmy therefore it can’t be stolen from Lemmy.

Doesn’t mean nobody can figure out who you are based on your post history, comments or username.

Which has always been an asinine point of view. By the time a site has blocked the paste the password is already in the clipboard. No security has been added in that regard, only frustration.

There is no “front page of Lemmy”.

I suppose the ALL of your particular instance could be considered the front page of YOUR Lemmy but it’s not the front page of mine.

Among other things, I’d keep going to work. I enjoy my job. What I’ll really enjoy is every time someone tries to pawn off something on me that’s not actually my job I’ll tell them, “not my job”