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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


They would absolutely do something like making a wrap marketed to specifically cover the LTT branding

After the community backlash… At least they’re listening ig?

Maybe this can change in the software space with the advent of foss.

It kinda is I suppose, even if very, very slowly.

Interesting, I find Davinci to be much better and coherent than Premiere, though it also isn’t foss.

Kdenlive is a great foss alternative though. I use Kde Connect and Krita daily.

Obsidian is amazing. It also feels open-source lol; I thought it was at first.

Maybe because the plugins are, and the notes you make with it are plain markdown files.

That UI though holy shit

I wish gimp had UI this good. Krita and Inkscape seem to have that down perfectly.

This is such a good deal I feel like I’d be losing money by not getting these lol

If the instances properly moderate according to their rules and ban rule-breakers, then yes.

The toxic users will coagulate into isolated instances instead

We thank Elon for his effort in getting people to the fediverse 🙏🙏


Lol, it’s just on mac. No windows version or even plans for a Linux one. Not that I’d use another chromium fork.

I’m seeing alot of these extremely low effort articles recently that are, for some reason, ranked very highly by google. AI spam probably?

Moved to Nobara os half a year back and haven’t had much issue with any game so far, not anymore than I did on windows

And that’s why people should spread out, as is the entire point of decentralization

I love these old memes way more than the fucking beans

Content creators need them though, specially artists.

Tons of artists, specially japanese, are actually moving to mastodon and misskey right now, which is a great sign.

I don’t think any sane reddit refugee would trust corporations after experiencing first-hand how that ends up lol